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"She vowed she could have spared me much better six weeks earlier; for, you see, after I'd learned the ropes, and how to take care of myself, I became, as she expressed it, 'such a dear, sweet, invaluable little attachée." Sophie laughed at the comical air with which her sister repeated the sentence; yet, when her laugh was gone, there remained a slight shadow of disappointment.

Not mines, nor railways, nor monster excursions, nor reservoirs, nor Manchester herself, "toute entiere a sa proie attachee," can deprive lake and hill of Wordsworth's memory, and the love which once they knew. Wordsworth's life was from the very first so ordered as to give him the most complete and intimate knowledge both of district and people.

"La calomnie s'est attachée

In response to the notice set up in the latter's office, and circulated also among a tithe of the community by the British Charitable Fund, it was arranged that sixty or seventy persons should accompany the Secretary and Vice-Consul out of the city, the military attachee, Colonel Claremont, alone remaining there.

His entrance into a town was a signal for the clergy to scurry to cover. Some of them, to put themselves on record and insure themselves against temptation, denounced Jim and his attachee as traveling fiends, emissaries of the devil. The wealth that was their drag was proclaimed as their weapon. The storm grew fiercer and the language more unrestrained.

In her double quality of attachée to his secret police and to his public loves, she had admittance to his room at all hours; and in spite of the solemnity of the day, as she had said that she had business of importance to communicate, they had not dared to refuse her. "Ah!" cried Dubois, on perceiving his old friend, "a lucky meeting."