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These characteristics allow us to differentiate atropine and hyoscyamine, the reactions of which are almost identical, as will be seen from the following table, which shows the action of weak solutions of the acids named on the hydrochlorates of the bases: Reagents. Hyoscyamine. Atropine. Picric acid. An oil solidifying Crystalline precipitate. immediately into tabular crystals.

Stimulants freely brandy, chloric ether, ammonia, sal volatile ad libitum. If patient cannot swallow, inject hypodermically either brandy or ether. Hypodermic injection of 1/50 grain atropine. Douche to the face, alternately hot and cold. Death commonly occurs so rapidly that there is no time for treatment. Half a drachm of the B.P. acid, equal to 0.6 grain of the anhydrous.

Ladenburg has also formed a series of artificial alkaloids, called tropeines, by uniting the base tropine with different organic acids, as in the case of the compound of mandelic acid and tropine, known as homatropine, an alkaloid of action similar to atropine, but possessing some decided advantages in its use.

He put in a little belladonna and atropine, some granulated hydrogen, some potash, and a very little antimony, finishing off with a little pure carbon. But still Mrs. Peterkin was not satisfied. The chemist said that all he had done ought to have taken out the salt. The theory remained the same, although the experiment had failed. Perhaps a little starch would have some effect.

There was a something a tone in the evidence which he had given at the inquest on Peters, which made me mad every time I thought of it. He had heard Peters admit just before death that he, Peters, had administered atropine to himself: and he had had to give evidence of that fact.

Hypodermic injections of 1/50 grain of atropine, suprarenal or pituitary extracts, may be found useful. Silvester's.

The power of accommodation is lost after the application of atropine, in consequence, as is supposed, of the paralysis of this muscle. This, I believe, is the nearest approach to a demonstration we have on this point.

A sharp slap on the cheek with the wet towel produced a sensible flicker of the eyelids; a similar slap on the chest was followed by a slight gasp. A pencil, drawn over the sole of the foot, occasioned a visible shrinking movement, and, on looking once more at the eyes, I detected a slight change that told me that the atropine was beginning to take effect.

The victim suffers from nausea and vomiting, and becomes so mentally debilitated that asylum treatment is required. =Belladonna.= The root, leaves, and berries, of the Atropa belladonna are poisonous from the presence of alkaloid atropine. Symptoms. Dryness of mouth and throat, intense thirst, dysphagia and dysphonia, quick pulse, noisy delirium and stupor.

Wilson, she said again with that same pout: 'he has been taking more atropine. 'Not really? said Wilson. 'Let me alone, the whole of you, answered Peters: 'I ain't a child. These were the last intelligible words he ever spoke. He died shortly before 1 A.M. He had been poisoned by a powerful dose of atropine.