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"Are there any other relics left?" I pointed to the level section below. "Do you see that low red roof almost hidden by its towering neighbors? That is the old Mission San Francisco de Asis, colloquially called Dolores, from the little rivulet on whose bank it was built." Through his field glasses he scrutinized the expanse of substantial houses and paved streets.

However, I like better the Spanish names, dormidera the sleepy flower or copa de oro cup of gold," I added as I pinned the flowers to my coat. The man's glance wandered around Newspaper Corners, when suddenly his look of surprise told me that he had discovered on this crowded section of commercial San Francisco a duplicate of the old bell hung in front of the Mission San Francisco de Asís.

The excellence of the water which the ships found at Aguáda made it convenient for them to call, and the Spanish ships continued to do so long after the need of frightening away the Caribs had passed. The first regular settlement was founded in 1585 by the Franciscan monks, who named it San Francisco de Asis.

Brigadier-General Manie Botha now advanced right into the bush, supported by Brigadier-General Lukin, who occupied Eisenberg Nek, on the right flank. Brigadier-General Myburgh, trekking by forced marches, in the course of his flanking movement on the right cut the line between Otavi and Grootfontein, and, swerving north, encountered the enemy at Asis and Gaub.

Old Sutter's embarcadero became Sacramento City, simply because it was the first point used for unloading boats for Sutter's Fort, just as the site for San Francisco was fixed by the use of Yerba Buena as the hide-landing for the Mission of "San Francisco de Asis."

"1776 Jose Joaquin Moraga founds the Mission of San Francisco de Asis"; "1846 the United States upon the outbreak of war with Mexico takes possession of California"; "1850 California is admitted to the Union as a sovereign State." Forecourt of Court of Universe; coloring good, graceful planting of cypress. Trees in niches under tower; contrast of colors, dark green, blue and pink.

1776 September 17, 1776, the presidio or military station of San Francisco is founded. 1776 October 9, 1776, the mission of San Francisco de Asis is dedicated, on the shore of the real San Francisco Bay. By August 23, 1823, twenty-one missions have been placed. 1781 September 4, 1781, the town of Los Angeles is established.

There were now two San Franciscos, de Asis and Solano, and because of the inconvenience arising from this confusion, the popular names, Dolores and Solano, and later, Sonoma, came into use. From the point now reached, the history of the Missions is one of distress, anxiety, and final disaster. Their great work was practically ended.

The Franciscans in their work both in Mexico and in California understood well the value of pictures in convincing the untutored mind. Hence it was the custom to have pictures of heaven and hell on the walls of the Missions. They were better than sermons. The name of the Mission here was at first, simply San Francisco de Asis.

The commander examines his chart and nods to the tonsured priest who falls on his knees and raises his voice in thanksgiving. Stretching out his arms in blessing to his flock, he exclaims: "Rest now, my children. Our journey is at an end. Here on the Arroyo de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, we will establish the mission to our Father San Francisco de Asis."