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There is a story of Artemise that I will recommend to you; her disposition I like extremely, it has a great deal of practical wit; and if you meet with one Brittomart, pray send me word how you like him. Besides, I look for my eldest brother and cousin Molle here shortly, and I should be glad to have nobody to entertain but you, whilst you are here.

A few months later he was again banished from Paris, and finished the Henriade in his retirement, as well as another play, Artemise, that was acted in February, 1720. Other plays followed. In December, 1721, Voltaire visited Lord Bolingbroke, who was then an exile from England, at the Chateau of La Source. There was now constant literary activity.

"Ah tais toi, ma p'tite! But you, too, are not poor any longer. That reminds me, I must have a little talk with your kind maman." With some difficulty overcoming her dislike of the individual and aversion to the entire family arrangement, Pauline walked out to the hall which separated the faded salon, where she had been sitting, from the still untidy bedroom and called for Artémise.

The only other ship here is the French frigate "Artemise," Commodore Dumas, by whom I have been treated with the greatest kindness and civility. On Saturday we went to Vedey, a beautiful little green island where the eider ducks breed, and build nests with the soft under-down plucked from their own bosoms.

And Angeel's heavy head nodded sagely in swift discernment of this evident truth, for Artémise was now tired of the subject and of Pauline's endless farewells and preferred to look out of the window.

To be sure, a religious house had offered me a good place, thanks to Father Rielle, at a good figure for Canada, but there are other countries, Artémise, there are other countries, and I am still young, n'est-ce-pas?" "Mademoiselle will never be old. She has the air of a princess, the complexion d'une vierge!"

But two days ago he sent for me and told me everything; how he was properly married in the parish of Sault au Recollet to Artémise Archambault, she, the half-witted, the empty-headed God knows whether that was the charm or what and of the birth of the child, he told me. What could you expect from the union of two such natures?

Other things will not matter. Any one, any one can marry us. Take me to him." Dr. Renaud, relinquishing her hand, stepped to the side of the priest and was followed by Martin. Artémise, always curious and flighty, ran out and overheard a word or two as the three men again conferred and fled back to the house, shrieking as she went. "Dead! Dead! Another death! Within a week! You see I can count!

Having dined on board the "Artemise," we adjourned at eleven o'clock to the beach to witness the departure of the baggage. The ponies were all drawn up in one long file, the head of each being tied to the tail of the one immediately before him. Additional articles were stowed away here and there among the boxes.

In a few minutes, so actively did she work her guns, that she had knocked away the enemy's foremast and remaining topmast. As the `Minerve' could not now possibly escape, we threw out a signal to the `Lowestoff' to chase the `Artemise, which instead of coming to the assistance of her consort was making off.