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Und you haf arisdograts who might not pay taxes, and who holt all der offices, and get all der pooblic money, and who ist petter pefore de law, in all dings, dan ast dem dat be not arisdograts? Is it so?" Miller laughed outright, and shook his head at this question, continuing to examine the trinkets the whole time. "No, no, my friend, we've not much of that, in this part of the world, either.

But vhy do dey dalk so much of noples and arisdograts? ist der noples and arisdograts in America?" "Well, I don't much understand the natur' of sich things; there sartainly is a difference in men, and a difference in their fortun's, and edications, and such sort of things." "Und der law, den, favours der rich man at der cost of der poor, in America, too, does it?

The law is ag'in 'em, right is ag'in 'em, and every true friend of liberty in the country ought to be ag'in 'em." "Vhat ist der matter in dis coontry? I hear in Europe how America ist a free lant, ant how efery man hast his rights; but since I got here dey do nothin' but talk of barons, and noples, and tenants, and arisdograts, and all der bat dings I might leaf behint me, in der olt worlt."

She likes Mary Warren, who ist boor, und she does not like Obbordunity, who ist vell to do in de vorlt. Berhaps der Littlepages be not as big arisdograts as you supposes." Miller was bothered, while I felt a disposition to laugh.

As for my uncle Ro, he was disposed to pursue the subject with Miller, who turned out to be a discreet and conscientious man. After a very short pause, as if to reflect on what had been said, he resumed the discourse. "Vhat, den, makes arisdograts in dis coontry?" asked my uncle.

He would be laughed at, from York to Buffalo." "Und he would desarf it. By vhat I see, frient, your denants be der arisdograts, und der landlordts der vassals." "Why you see what may your name be? as we're likely to become acquainted, I should like to know your name." "My name is Greisenbach, und I comes from Preussen." "Well, Mr. Greisenbach, the difficulty about aristocracy is this.

You're quite upsetting my idees about aristocrats; for though I like the Littlepages, I've always set 'em down as desp'rate aristocrats." "Nein, nein; dem as vat you calls dimigogues be der American arisdograts.