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Augustus John. "Why, when he made me give up that there burial club," answered Swan. Mr. John heard him." "Then, thath the thame thing ath if he'd thaid it himthelf," observed Johnnie, answering the old man's thought about a much older man. "Did I say it wasn't, sir? No, if ever there was a gentleman it's not a bit of use argufying that all men are ekal. I'm not ekal to either of them two."

Bullinger and Gualterus "were unwilling to contend with these men like fencing-masters," tired of their argufying; unable to "withdraw our entire confidence from the Bishops." Knox may have been less unsympathetic, but his advice agreed with the advice of the Genevans.

She laughed softly to herself as she filled two pies with sliced sour apples and dusted them plentifully with spice and sugar. "I'd admire to see papa argufying with that sweet girl," she observed to the surrounding silence. "Papa certainly is set on having his own way. Guess bin' alone here with me so constant, he's got kind of willful. But it don't bother me any; ain't that lucky?"

I stepped inside the wicket backwards and then I slammed it in their faces, and putting the key in my pocket, walked up the wharf. I knew it was no good standing out there argufying. I felt sorry for the pore thing in a way.

This discovery did not, strange to say, increase his anger. His manner became quiet, and almost deferential. "Look you here, Bet what's the good of argufying, and angering a fellow what's your own father? You wouldn't stay in Paradise Row but for me now, would you, Bet? It ain't the place a likely girl like you would fancy is it, Bet?"

Father have had fair warning, and he knows me. I'll take the littl'uns and be the best sort of mother I can to them; father shan't have 'em. He kick'd the Cap'n last week he shan't never do it no more. I promised mother, so there's no argufying on that point the boys and me we must go." "But where will you take them, honey?

"You believe lots o' things, eh?" said he, while his nose worked and wrinkled in amusement. "I believe in pretty much all I sees an' some little I hears," said Trunnell, dryly. "'Specially in eliphints, eh? a hundred feet high?" "But not in argufying over facts," retorted Trunnell.

Country people are prone to "argufying" the greater and more weighty the question, the more ready are the bucolic Solons to engage with it. And it is all education to the youth who listens and takes part who has the receptive mind. This love of argument and contention among country people finds vent in lawsuits.

I don't think argufying and debating like that little Fraulein Werder's does much harm. She's a right nifty young rolypoly, by the way, though you didn't notice, of course." "Why didn't I?" Ramsey demanded, sharply. "Why didn't I notice?" "Oh, nothing.

"By not argufying," Lin answered. "Oh no, no! I can do no such thing. Don't you see I can't? I believe you are crazy." "I've been waiting to hear yu' say that," said the complacent McLean. "I'm not argufying. We'll eat supper now. The east-bound is due in an hour, and I expect you'll be wanting to go on it." "And I expect I'll go, too," said the girl.