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Se la representa como una mujer que odia los quehaceres de la casa y está constantemente fuera de ella, de día y de noche. La pintura más común es aquella en que la mujer arenga en una especie de asamblea a algunas de su sexo, mientras su marido se dedica a barrer la casa y entretener al bebé que llora.

Small ships which have no cannon should be provided with pitchers filled with water and the fruit of the sacchariferous arenga, for the purpose of be sprinkling the pirates, in the event of an attack, with the corrosive mixture, which causes a burning heat. Dumont d'Urville mentions that the inhabitants of Solo had, during his visit, poisoned the wells with the same fruit.

Some of the villages a few miles inland are scattered about in woody ground which has once been virgin forest, but of which the constituent trees have been for the most part replaced by fruit trees, and particularly by the large palm, Arenga saccharifera, from which wine and sugar are made, and which also produces a coarse black fibre used for cordage.

Yes, there was he, with his black body, yellowish muzzle, and white half-moon upon his breast busy gorging himself upon the tender leaflets of the arenga whose white fragments, constantly dropping from his jaws, strewed the ground at the bottom of the tree.

The place where they had halted was in the midst of a magnificent grove, or rather a forest, of palms; of that kind called nibong by the natives, which is a species of the genus arenga. It is one of the "cabbage" palms; that is, its young leaves before expanding are eaten by the natives as a vegetable after the manner in which Europeans use cabbage.

Pens and arrows for blow-guns are also made from the midribs of the side leaves; and, in fact, the arenga saccharifera, like many other palms, serves for an endless variety of purposes. Alexis was greatly interested by the appearance of this beautiful tree; but it was too late when they arrived on the ground for him to have an opportunity of examining it.

Of course this wild arenga wood furnishing the bear with as much "cabbage" as he might require was just the place for him; and Alexis now understood the reason why the Dyak had conducted them thither. As the naturalist knew that this kind of bear was more rare than the other species that is, in Borneo he now more than ever felt chagrin at not having his gun with him.

When he believed himself well out of hearing of the bear, he quickened his pace, and retraced his steps to the camp. It was but the work of a minute for all hands to arm themselves and set out; and in ten minutes' time they arrived at the bottom of the arenga, and had the gratification of finding that the ruse of Alexis had proved successful.