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What could Armand be doing in this part of the town, I asked myself? Did he propose to leave that priceless cabinet in this dingy quarter? And then I paused abruptly and slipped into an area-way, for the van had stopped some distance ahead and was backing up to the curb. Looking out discreetly, I saw the cab containing Armand stop also, and that gentleman alighted and paid the driver.

And then Larry would lose sight of them, just at the very moment when he would have given worlds to see more; for by this time the skies would have grown black, perhaps, and down would come the rain in perfect torrents, sending Larry to his feet and scuttling off into somebody's area-way for shelter.

He had not slipped away, nor slunk away, nor walked away, nor sped away, he had simply vanished; and Lionel was left alone behind the grated door of the area-way gazing out upon a vacant space of pavement where, an instant before, the beggar had stood. The little boy rubbed his eyes and looked again. No, the beggar was gone, in very truth, and had left not so much as a rag behind him.

I remember one who whistled while he cleaned the deck he did it very quickly, much more quickly than the stupid boys who didn't whistle I think when I sew I shall whistle, not aloud " she laughed, "it would wake folks' babies! But in my heart " She watched Janet vigorously sweeping the area-way.

The policeman passed them and dived uncertainly down a dark area-way as one departing figure disappeared into the open doorway of a tenement, on his way to the roof, and the legs of another dodged between the line of drays. "Where'd them fellows go?" gasped the officer, instantly reappearing up the steps of the basement.

He clutched desperately at the cellar window, shot past, and down the steps bing! into a huge basket of clothes a fat colored woman was bringing up. She was as wide as the basket and the basket took up about all the area-way. "Land sakes, chile!" she said, as Sunny Boy landed on top of her basket. "Where you goin'?" "Skating," said Sunny Boy concisely, glad to find that he wasn't hurt.

"If I was the stranger," he said dryly, "I'd get a piece of lead-pipe and stand in an area-way about 11.30 one of these dark nights. That's the only way I know to raise money for mining purposes in this town." Bruce stepped back abruptly and his dark face reddened. "Sorry I bothered you," he eyed the clerk steadily, "but I made a mistake in the way I sized you up."

One went much faster than the other and in an entirely different direction, and he had an idea he'd have to wear those skates the rest of his life because he didn't see how he was ever going to stop to take them off. Suddenly he found himself headed for an area-way and a flight of stone steps.

He'd found it in an area-way, nearly covered with snow where some one had left it, and he was taking it down to police-headquarters, he said. Well, ma went crazy right away. She made him undo it, and then she insisted on holding it all the way down to Thirty-third Street.

He "slept off" the effects of a long lark in an area-way belonging to a total stranger. A policeman took him to his lodgings by way of the station house, and a day later his landlord sent for a doctor. Five days after that I went over to see him. He was in bed, and one of his friends, a man of his own kind, but of stronger fibre, was keeping him company.