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In poverty he lived, and in deep poverty he would have died, had it not been for the grateful regard of one of his sons; of the other, I have nothing to say at present. Now to some, who have suddenly risen from poverty to a degree of affluence, it proves a source of deep mortification to remember that they sprang from a low origin. But is this the case with your cousin Apgomer?

An aged man at this moment was seen making his way through the crowd, as if endeavoring to find admittance into the presence of the king. His venerable appearance served to make for him room. "We meet again, Apgomer!" cried Daniel, in a familiar, friendly voice: and then to the king he said: "This is my good friend Apgomer, O king, one of the few friends of my early days.

Apgomer, with steady voice and correct emphasis, answered; and it was pronounced to be correct. The next question was directed to Scribbo. He, greatly alarmed at the result of the other question, became confused, and gave no answer. The same question was directed to Daniel, and was promptly answered, with marked ease and great clearness.

Have I forgotten the source whence I sprang? Does it create a blush on this cheek to remember that my grandfather was poor, and that my father had to win his bread through the sweat of his brow? Whoever has forgotten the poverty of his father and grandfather, be it known that Apgomer is not that youth. "So much in regard to the first charge. Now for the second.

Ye have given proof of a good degree of mental strength, and I trust that from this place ye shall go forth to add to the stability and perpetuity of my empire. "In conclusion, I command that Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Apgomer be decorated with their appropriate badges, and conducted, with due honor, to their apartments at the palace. The examination is closed."

Before he left, he gave me positive orders to deliver all messages to his cousins without the least delay." "Thou art ever welcome, dear Apgomer!" answered Hananiah. "and especially to-day, as a bearer of a dispatch from one we love so well." "And here is another, from one that, peradventure, ye love the more. Ye perceive that the children of Judah have some confidence in their Chaldean friend."

Scribbo and Shagoth, faithful to their revengeful promise, were on the keen alert for the three Hebrews. In their wanderings they came across Apgomer. "We are in search of thy three Hebrew friends," said Shagoth. "Canst thou inform us where we may find them?" "I can," promptly replied Apgomer. "I know the exact spot on which they stand." "This is truly gratifying," replied Scribbo.

The door was opened, and the pleasant voice of the newcomer gave them to understand that he was no other than the kind-hearted Apgomer. "I trouble you, at this time, as a bearer of dispatches from my kind master, Belteshazzar, who is now in Egypt, on government business of pressing importance.

Thus have we introduced to the reader three young Chaldeans, Scribbo and Shagoth, with their Cousin Apgomer. "I cannot, for my part," said Scribbo, "see the propriety of elevating these contemptible captives to share equal privileges with the native sons of Chaldea. Surely the king, in this, has betrayed a lamentable lack of discernment." "Truly!" replied Shagoth, with an air of consequence.

"Thou hadst better depart ere we punish thy insolence with the edge of the sword." "Terrible words, surely, from mighty swordsmen!" said Apgomer, smiling. "Is it any wonder I tremble beneath your gaze? Even from the days of your childhood your courage and valor have been proverbial.