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'Make it twoshillin's please do, sir! The young man paid no attention; he was curling his moustache and exchanging a smile of intelligence with his counter-companion with respect to a piece of business the latter had in hand. Of a sudden he turned and said sharply: 'Well, are you goin' to take it or not? Pennyloaf sighed and nodded. 'Got a 'apenny? he asked. 'No.

"I dozn't keer a tinker's baad 'apenny whether tha knaw 'ow to 'rite tha mizchief or to read it, or whether king o' England is eatin' 'umble pie to the U-nited States top man, or noa, I keerz nawt aboot it, noben way or t'other. My boys 'as got to laarn draawin' crops out o' fields, an' my gels must put 'and to milkin' and skimmin' cream an' makin' foinest butter as iver went to market.

"Seven pence 'apenny of this stuff ain't much for carrying all that along, I DON'T think!" grumbled his mate; and Jane's young porter experienced the double joy of faith confirmed, and willing service generously rewarded. A telegraph boy walked along the train, saying: "Honrubble Jain Champyun" at intervals. Jane heard her name, and her arm shot out of the window. "Here, my boy! It is for me."

I always have said as it's a cruel thing that: 'cause how can you tell who gets the bad coin, an' it may be some pore person as can't afford to lose not a 'apenny. But that's what he's been up to, an' this long time, as it appears. In her dialect, which requires so many words for the narration of a simple story, Mrs.

Well, look 'ere; you'll just remember in future that all you get from the lodgers belongs to me, an' not to mother. It's a new arrangement, understand. An' if you dare to give up a 'apenny to mother, I'll lick you till you're nothin' but a bag o' bones. Understand?

Yet her faith in him was not ill-founded, for he returned like an echo as to promptitude. Only, unlike the echo, he came back louder than he went, and more positive. "There's the quorntity and no cheatin'," said he. "You can medger it up with a rule if you like. It'll medger, you find if it don't! Like I told you! And a 'apenny returned on the transaction."

"He never said I warn't to keep it all, didn't that doctor!" Then he took a high position as of injured virtue. "There's your 'apenny! There's both your 'apennies! Mean to say I 'aven't kep' 'em safe for yer?"

Edmund what with these trashy novels and 'apenny papers is something past belief! Not but what Elsie is a good, quiet girl enough, and reg'lar at her duties every first Sunday in the month; but she's young, and I suppose we 'ave to make allowance for young folk." I murmured in token of acquiescence.

'Baby-Devil that you are, what has the man done to you? 'He won't go home. 'What is that to you? 'He gives me a 'apenny to pelt him home if I ketches him out too late, says the boy. And then chants, like a little savage, half stumbling and half dancing among the rags and laces of his dilapidated boots: 'Widdy widdy wen! I ket ches Im out ar ter ten, Widdy widdy wy!

"Wot, old Moses! you'll never come for to go for to say you've forgot old Swipey Sam, jist along in the Old Kent Road Easy Shavin' one 'apenny or an arrangement come to by the week!" Or merely, "Seein' you's as good as old times come alive again, mate." Suchlike appeals were almost invariable from any customer who got fair speech of Uncle Moses in his own bar.