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Laugh to me, Ninny, and get me my pretty new hat, or I'll shut you up in the closet!" Ninny did laugh, it was so funny to hear that speck of a child talk of punishing a big girl like her! "Will you lem me go?" repeated Flaxie. "No, indeed! What an idea!" "I've got fi-ive cents, Ninny. I'll buy you anyfing what you want? Now lem me! 'Twon't hurt me a tall!"

Again the negro denied all knowledge of having beheld such a thing. "Ef ah'd done seed anyfing lak dat," he declared; "ah'd hev bin skedaddlin' fer ther hut lak er chicken wif a hungry coon afta' it, yas, sah." Thoroughly convinced that his imagination had played him a trick, Frank did not mention the incident, to his fellow adventurers and soon almost forgot it.

You see, I sort of feel I've 'urt and insulted 'er. And reely I didn't mean to. Swap me, I didn't mean to. Gawd 'elp me. I wouldn't 'ave 'ad it 'appened as it 'as 'appened, not for worlds. And now I can't get round to 'er, or anyfing, not to explain.... You chaps may laugh, but you don't know what there is in it.... I tell you it worries me something frightful.

Angel and I had donned old jerseys and The Seraph a clean holland pinafore, against which he pressed an empty treacle tin where a solitary worm reared an anxious head against the encircling gloom. "I've got a worm," he gasped, gleefully, as the pony, released at last, jerked us almost off our seats. "He's nice an' fat, an' he's quite clean, for I've washed him fwee times. He's as tame as anyfing.

He doesn't grumble, but when I have anyfing very nice he looks in his eyes as if he could cry; only he doesn't, for he never leaves off smiling. 'He's a splendid little friend to have, the lady said cheerfully. 'I wonder where you live? 'In the House, with nurse and grandmother. He heaved a sigh. 'We shall have to go back soon.

"Mother wants to tell us something, and she says it's a nice something, and I kissed her like anyfing! but she wouldn't tell me without you." Then the two children set off running, and they flew down a long passage to the drawing-room, and were soon scrambling about a lady who was sitting working by the window. "Well, monkeys, don't choke me before I tell you my nice something.

"Isn't anyfing," sniffed His Majesty, mindful of his manhood, and raising his head from the motherly bosom upon which it was resting. "I only fought vat you you petted Patsie 'cause she had ve blue wiban, and and if I'd had ve blue wiban too, m-my Papa w-would pet me."

I had always thought it would be very pleasant to be without a nurse, though we liked ours very well, and to be able to do just as we wished. But I shall never forget how pleased I was to see her come back again," and Grandmamma laughed a little at the recollection. "Why were you so pleased, Grandmamma?" asked Pamela. "Had you done anyfing naughty?"

Burton, shuddering to realize that Toddie had not before been taught of the nature of the Holy Trinity. "An' played around like uvver little boysh?" continued Toddie. "I I suppose so," said Mrs. Burton, fearing lest in trying to instill reverence into her nephews, she herself might prove irreverent. "Did somebody say 'Don't' at Him every time he did anyfing?" continued Toddie. "N n n o!

She stuck her finger in her mouth, presumably to stem the tide of speech, for as she withdrew it the words fell out over one another all in one breath. "Don't want anyfing to eat. Lay down in the grass an' roll. Put kerosene on my head. Can't git any more in my cup, all spillin' over." The door opened and once more the superintendent tapped his bell.