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In addition to this paste, larks should be supplied with poppy-seed, bruised hemp, crumb of bread, and plenty of greens, such as lettuce, endive, cabbage, with a little lean meat or ant-eggs occasionally." He says the cage should be furnished with a piece of fresh turf, often renewed, and great attention should be paid to cleanliness. The care of the birds in the ark probably fell to the women.

A partridge adage might well be 'foes and food for every moon. September came, with seeds and grain in place of berries and ant-eggs, and gunners in place of skunks and minks. The partridges knew well what a fox was, but had scarcely seen a dog.

A partridge adage might well be 'foes and food for every moon. September came, with seeds and grain in place of berries and ant-eggs, and gunners in place of skunks and minks. The partridges knew well what a fox was, but had scarcely seen a dog.

"A butterfly-net; he wants one ever so much," said Nat, looking a little disappointed, for he meant to get it himself. "No, sir; it's to be a microscope, a real swell one, that we see what-do-you-call-'ems in water with, and stars, and ant-eggs, and all sorts of games, you know. Won't it be a jolly good present?" said Tommy, rather confusing microscopes and telescopes in his remarks. "Tip-top!