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He 'ad white kid gloves on 'is 'ands, and he pointed out the animiles to me and says, 'Keeper, these wolves seem upset at something. "'Maybe it's you, says I, for I did not like the airs as he give 'isself. He didn't get angry, as I 'oped he would, but he smiled a kind of insolent smile, with a mouth full of white, sharp teeth. 'Oh no, they wouldn't like me, 'e says.

The old man looked at Bud with a frown. "Well, I ain't none on knockin' another man's hoss, but I never see one o' them black-an'-white-spotted animiles what could do more than lope, an' out in this yere country hosses hez got ter run like a scared coyote ter be any good in ther cow business." "Yer reckon this yere Magpie can't run?" asked the old man, bristling. "I ain't said so."

I wonder if I couldn't dip all of em in shoe blackin'? It seems real queer to put a porcupine into hat trimmin', though I declare I don't know jest what the animiles are like, it's be'n so long sence I looked at the pictures of em in a geography. I always thought their quills stood out straight and angry, but these kind o' curls round some at the ends, and that makes em stand the wind better.

At the end of half an hour we found ourselves in possession of two pack-horses and saddles, and a load of provisions. "Look out for hoss thieves," advised McClellan. "These yere Greasers will follow you for days waitin' for a chance to git your stock. Don't picket with rawhide rope or the coyotes are likely to knaw yore animiles loose. Better buy a couple of ha'r ropes from the nearest Mex.

"Oh, I'll look after dem animiles all right, honey lamb!" said fat Dinah to Freddie. "I won't let 'em starve!" "And maybe I can get another dog in Washington," said Freddie. "And maybe I can find a cat!" added Flossie. "Fo' de land sakes! doan brung any mo' catses an' dogses around heah," begged Dinah. At last everything was in readiness. Mr. Bobbsey had written to Mr.

"Yes, but its croolty to animiles to drag a young feller like me along, too. I've got his number. Just you wait, Cele! Remember, Mr. Stone, he played spook-catcher to Miss Ames. That means something, sir." "It does, indeed. This is a great old case, Fibsy. Are you getting a line on it?" "I think so, sir," and the lad looked very earnest. "Are you?" "A strange one. But, yet, a line.

Bein' you put up th' money I would say polite and likewise explain ez how the skins uv animiles is propper fur signs an' not numbers bein' ez cabins is not railroad cars." This is a fair sample of the letters which were received by Mr. Temple, by Mr. Ellsworth, and even at National Scout Headquarters, which Jeb Rushmore called "the main ranch."

Th' wild animiles can go back to their daily life iv doin' th' best they can an' th' worst they can, which is th' same thing with thim, manin' get what ye want to eat an' go to sleep with ye'er clothes on. But some wan ought to bring out a new nature story.

Drawing his lank form out of the entanglement it seemed to have been in, he delivered himself in somewhat the following manner: "Wal stranger, pears to me, I would jist git rite arter that ere party, quicker'n greased lightning, kase you see, they haint been gone long, and if you drive yer animiles rite smart, you will ketch up in jist no time."

With the cigarette made, he snatched a brand from the fire and lighted it. He fell to smoking in thoughtful silence, in his eyes a look of unutterable sadness. The Professor bestirred himself. "Tell me," he asked, lifting his gaze to the heavens reflectively "tell me, does any of you believe that horses any animiles has souls?" The lean man glanced at him.