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This picture is "The Resurrection of Lazarus," by Fra Sebastiano del Piombo, with the assistance, it is conjectured, of Michael Angelo. Angerstein's art treasures were to be seen until his death in his house in Pall Mall, where the Reform Club now stands. The Frenchmen, of whom Coleridge's friend. See the Biographia Literaria, 1847 ed., Vol. II., pp. 126-127. "Guzman de Alfarache."

Angerstein's taste and spirit in buying it; yet if God cut not my life permanently short, I hope I shall leave one behind me that will do more honour to my country than this has done to Rome. At this time Haydon devoted a good deal of his leisure to reading classic authors, Homer, AEschylus, and Virgil, in order to tune his mind to high thoughts.

The paintings of Claude are by no means equal to what we had expected, from the celebrity which his name has acquired, or the matchless beauty which the engravings from him possess. They are but eleven in number, and cannot be in any degree compared with those which are to be found in Mr Angerstein's collection.

Writing to Barton, in the letter quoted from above, Lamb says: "Just such a confus'd piece is his Joshua, fritter'd into 1000 fragments, little armies here, little armies there you should see only the Sun and Joshua ... for Joshua, I was ten minutes finding him out." The great picture at Angerstein's.

I next turned my eyes to the Louvre. What are the exhibitions of London, modern or ancient? What are Lord Stafford's, Grosvenor's, Angerstein's, &c., in comparison with this unrivalled gallery? Words cannot describe the coup d'œil. It is noble and grand beyond imagination.

The sky here is beautiful; I find in it what you have seen in Italy, and I only in Angerstein's Gallery, the orange sunsets of Claude Lorraine. We leave New York for Philadelphia after next week, and shall remain there three weeks. I have read and noted much of your pretty book. There are one or two points which shall "serve for sweet discourses" in our time to come.

Not modern art alone, but ancient, where only it is to be found if anywhere, can be detected erring, from defect of this imaginative faculty. The world has nothing to show of the preternatural in painting, transcending the figure of Lazarus bursting his grave-clothes, in the great picture at Angerstein's. It seems a thing between two beings.