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The citadel, a genuine Moorish castle, lies just within these walls, and was not so long ago the abode of galley-slaves. Close to Sevílle, where the river Guadalquivir branches off, it forms two islands Islas Mayor y Menor. The former was the Kaptal of the Moors. Juan de Alfarache, and passes near the Torre del Oro, a monument of the invader already referred to.

The first fiction of this class was the "Lazarillo de Tormes" of Mendoza, already spoken of, published in 1554, a bold, unfinished sketch of the life of a rogue from the very lowest condition of society. Forty-five years afterwards this was followed by the "Guzman de Alfarache" of Aleman, the most ample portraiture of its class to be found in Spanish literature.

He neither tired of trudging on foot, nor cared for cold or heat. For him all seasons of the year were genial spring. His sleep was as sound on a heap of straw as on soft mattresses, and he made himself as snug in a hayloft as between two Holland sheets. In short, he made such way in the profession he had chosen, that he could have given lessons to the famous Guzman de Alfarache.

The Picaresque romance by Mateo Aleman Vida y Lechos del picaro Guzman de Alfarache, Part I., 1599; Part II., 1605. It was translated into English by James Mabbe in 1622 as The Rogue; or, The Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Lamb had a copy, which is now in my possession, with Mary Lamb's name in it. London Magazine, January, 1823.

Anticipating, what did actually happen to him as afterwards it did to his scarce inferior follower, the Author of "Guzman de Alfarache" that some less knowing hand would prevent him by a spurious Second Part: and judging, that it would be easier for his competitor to out-bid him in the comicalities, than in the romance, of his work, he abandoned his Knight, and has fairly set up the Squire for his Hero.

Mateo Aleman tells us, in the Introduction to his celebrated romance, Juzman de Alfarache, that many infatuated criminals, instead of devoting their last hours to the welfare of their souls, as they ought to have done, neglect this duty for the purpose of preparing and committing to memory a speech to be made from the scaffold.

This picture is "The Resurrection of Lazarus," by Fra Sebastiano del Piombo, with the assistance, it is conjectured, of Michael Angelo. Angerstein's art treasures were to be seen until his death in his house in Pall Mall, where the Reform Club now stands. The Frenchmen, of whom Coleridge's friend. See the Biographia Literaria, 1847 ed., Vol. II., pp. 126-127. "Guzman de Alfarache."