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"And I thought," he blurted, "be 'anged if sometimes I didn't think you liked him!" Her dark eyes met the captain's with a great and steadfast clearness. "No," she whispered; "it was more than that." The captain sat bolt upright, but no longer in condemnation. For a long time he watched her, marveling; and when finally he spoke, his sharp, domineering voice was lowered, almost gentle.

Beatrice was opening her mouth to scream, when the window-cleaner exclaimed weakly, as if dubious: 'I believe 'e's 'anged 'imself from the door-'ooks! 'No! cried Beatrice. 'No, no, no! 'I believe 'e 'as! repeated the man. 'Go in and see if he's dead! cried Beatrice. The man remained in the doorway, peering fixedly. 'I believe he is, he said doubtfully. 'No go and see! screamed Beatrice.

"Well, Sir, he came on gallantly, I must say that, and kept his eye fixed steadily on me, when just as I was going to make a cut at his reins, he suddenly seized his eavy-mounted elmet, and threw it slap at my face, and I'll be anged if it didn't stun me, and knock me right off the orse flat on the ground, and then he galloped off as ard as he could go.

Nan ran into the passage and called an old neighbor, and the two together, using all their strength, managed to get him to the bed. "It's a stroke," the woman said. "Lord love you, what'll you do? He can't stay here. He'd better be sent to 'ospital." "I'll be 'anged first," said old Widgeon, who had opened his eyes suddenly and looked at them both. "I was a bit queer, but I'm right enough now.

"'The stroke of the sun be anged! said I; 'it's not in my ead this time it's in the other end of me. "'Oh dear, dear! said Betty; 'two such marks as them, and you so handsome too! Oh dear, dear! "Poor old soul! it's a way she had of trying to come round me. "'Where is it? said M'Clure. "'In the calf of my leg, said I.

"I 'ave met mans which would not fight for zeir lives. But I 'ave never before met ze man which would not fight for 'is woman." Pell saw that he was doomed now. He made one final desperate attempt. "But if you shoot me you'll be hanged!" "Ha!" laughed Lopez. "If I am ever caught, I shall be 'anged many times!" "I'm an American citizen!" shrilled Pell.

King, all right enough, sir, and I'll tell you all the things of interest, but I'll be 'anged, sir, if I've got the blooming nerve to introduce you to the first ladies of the land. That's more than I can ever 'ope to do, sir, and " "Lord bless you, Hobbs, don't look so depressed. I don't ask you to present me at court. I just want to look at the lilacs and the gargoyles.

"Good! but this is Hackh's house the nunnery," said the one; and the other added, "You're just in time for dinner." The captain found these facts to be excruciating. He clapped Rudolph on the arm, and crowed: "Nunnery? We'll make it a bloomin' chummery! Dinner be 'anged! A banquet. What's more, I've brought the chow" he swept the huddled boxes with a prodigal gesture, "lashin's o' food and drink!

"V'y, I means scragged, sir," answered the man, his roving eye glancing continually up and down the alley, "I means 'anged, sir, Lord love you, it's in 'is face never see a more promising mug, consequent, I 've got Vistlin' Dick down in my little book 'ere, along vith a lot of other promising vuns." "But why in your book?"

Wot d'ee mean by raisin' yer dirty foot ag'in a honest man, w'ch you ain't, an' never was, an' never will be, an' never could be, seein' that both your respected parients was 'anged afore you was born. Come on, I say. You ain't a coward, air you? If so, I'll 'and you over to Little Jim 'ere, an' stand by to see fair play!"