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"We'd never in Zeelup be able to get the pieces of the dimple to Schlorge without first anaesthetizing the Snimmy." Sara jumpled: that awful word again! Who was Schlorge, for example? And how was she to get anything to anybody without getting up? And "anaesthetize"? She hated to disturb the Teacup; she was knitting so placidly, and murmuring over and over to herself, "Never in Zeelup."

I have always felt the pardonable pride of a son in the theatres of the London Hospital, but they were certainly eclipsed here. Each theatre was equipped with its own anaesthetizing room, its own surgeon's room, and its own sterilizing rooms and stores, all furnished with a lavishness beyond the financial capacity of any hospital in London.

The Harlequin Pompilus does not disregard this counsel of prudence. The Epeira carries beneath her throat two sharp daggers, with a drop of poison at their points; the Calicurgus is lost if the Spider bites her. Nevertheless, her anaesthetizing demands perfect steadiness of the lancet. What is to be done in the face of this danger which might disconcert the most practised surgeon?

Certainly his experience might tell him easily enough. Yet he stands there switching in a sort of self-imposed numbness. It is probably nature's way of anaesthetizing him from the pain of unlimited drabness. It is the only way a sensitive nature can face such a prospect without going mad. Such was Joe. He had slumped. He no longer cared.