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"Don' rekerlek, massa, it's so long ago." "But make an effort." "Well, Massa Raleigh, 'pears to me I do remember suthin', I do b'lieve yes, dis's jist how 'twas. Spect I might as well make a crean breast ob it. I's alwes had it hangin' roun' my conscious; do'no' but I's done grad to git rid ob it. Alwes spected massa 'd be 'xcusin' Cap o' turnin' tief."

I alwes knew 'twould come to dis!" he replied. "No, massa, neber!" shaking his head with repeated emphasis. "I thought you might have met with some accident, Capua," said his master. "Axerden be , beg massa's parden; but such s'picions poison any family's peace, and make a feller done forgit hisself." "Very well," said Mr.

"Well, two reasons," replied Capua, rolling a glance over the company; "one was dis chile's exertions; an' t'other fact, on account ob wich de flames was checked, was because dere warn't no more to burn. Hi!" "Capua, take Nan, and don't let me see your face again, till I send for it!" said his master, now slightly irate. "Massa's nigger alwes mind him," was the dutiful response. Mrs.

"My wife? Well, she's 'bout beat out. Massa Roger 'n' I, we buried her; finer funeral dan Massa Roger's own mother, Miss Kate, dat was!" "Poor fellow! I'm so sorry!" began Mrs. McLean, consolingly. "Well, Miss Kate, you know some folks is easier spared 'n others. Some tongues sharper 'n others. Alwes liked to gib a hot temper time to cool, 's Massa says." "And how do you do, Capua?"

"Pretty well, Miss Kate; leastways, I'se well enough, a'n't so pretty." "What is his name?" whispered Helen. "'Annible, Missis," said the attentive Capua, whose eyes had been for some time oscillating with indecision between Helen Heath and Mrs. Laudersdale. "Hannibal Raleigh's my name; though Massa alwes call me Cap," he added, insinuatingly, which, by the way, "Massa" never had been known to do.