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I would stay here and watch with ye, but that I've overstayed me time alriddy, and I'll catch thunder whin I git back home, 'cause I can't make the boss belave the raison why I staid. Here's a pistol," added the Irishman, shoving a five-shooter into the hand of the astonished lad, "and ivery barrel is loaded, and it niver misses fire, as the victims can tell ye as have been hit by the same.

"And will he bring any more sailors with him?" "Aye, sonny, the howl bilin' av the crew, barrin' us chaps here alriddy. Yis, an' our say pilot will come aboord there, the river one lavin' us there." "I'm glad of that," I said. "I thought there weren't enough on board to sail the ship, with only you four men and the boy who struck the bell!" "Did ye?

Scully," said the major, clearing his throat and waving his stubby hand deprecatingly. "I have already had me reward in having the pleasure and honour of making your acquaintance and of coming nearer to those charums which I had alriddy admired from a distance." "Oh, auntie, listen to that!" cried Clara, and both ladies giggled. "Not forgetting yours, Miss-Miss " "Miss Timms," said Mrs. Scully.

Now, Larry, ye moost rimimber the owld cockatoo `Ally Sloper' wor alriddy oop there aloft; an' whin the burrd says Jocko makin' fur him, he oop stick, or rayther oop wid his crist an' flies down roight atop ov Tom's hid, shraykin' out, `Say-rah, Say-rah! as loud as the divvle could bawl. `Gyp' on this starts barkin' loike mad at the blissid cockatoo; whin down cooms Masther Jocko fur to have his share in the foight.

"Begorra, I thought I'd kilt the beggar a dozen toimes alriddy; but he's got the luck of ould Nick, an' sames to save his skin somehow or ither. Here goes for him ag'in take that now, ye ould thaife!" "Ping!"

"How do you know that, O'Gorman?" "Can you prove it?" "What proof have you?" were questions that were asked simultaneously by several voices, among which that of the Frenchman's confederate was conspicuous. "Phwy, phwat more proof do yez want, than phwat's alriddy before yez? When I had me hand in the wallet, there wasn't only the two buttons, the divil a more.

He indulged in a peculiar grin, and held them very rigidly. Howard laughed. "You don't get anything more without paying for it?" "What shall I pay? I've alriddy overdrawn me bank account, as they say." "Let him take my watch," said Elwood. "Fact is, I think it has been ruined by the salt water."

After `divisions, when the other boys were rushing down below to their messes to dinner, the bugle-call for which was braying out its cheerful sounds, I stopped behind on the upper deck, as did "Ugly." "Sure an' what are ye stoppin' fur, Tom, mabouchal?" said Mick to me in surprise. "Begorrah, I can smill the mate alriddy, an', faith, the praties, too!