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She dressed herself in her best, and, so that the neighbours shouldn't see her, went up a passage between some model lodging-house buildings, and in this roundabout way got into the Westminster Bridge Road, and soon found herself in front of the theatre. 'I've been witin' for yer this 'alf-hour. She turned round and saw Jim standing just behind her. ''Oo are you talkin' to?

Well, in a 'alf-hour." He went out again, and Northwick, after some efforts, made out to rise. His skull felt sore, and his arms as if they had been beaten with hard blows. But after he had bathed his face and hands in the warm water Bird had brought with the lamp, he found himself better, though he was still wrapped in that cloudy uncertainty of himself and of his sleeping or waking.

"There's a brace o' blanky snipers been tryin' for a cold 'alf-hour to bull's-eye on to me. There they go again ," an' crack . . . smack two bullets comes, one knockin' another loose tile off, a foot over 'is 'ead, an' t'other puttin' a china ornament on the mantel-piece on the casualty list. 'I reported the wire cut an' the F.O. sez he'd come along wi' me an' locate the break.

'I know Tom 'ud 'ave come, she said to herself, rather sulkily. 'Liza! Liza! she heard her mother's voice calling her. 'Arright, I'm comin', said Liza. 'I've been witin' for you this last 'alf-hour ter rub me. 'Why didn't yer call? asked Liza. 'I did call. I've been callin' this last I dunno 'ow long; it's give me quite a sore throat. 'I never 'eard yer.

If this was the real 'andicap, I'd bet drinks all around that fifteen of these twenty would accept. And that's more than anyone will be able to say for Courtney's 'andicap. The weights will be out to-morrow; we shall see." "What do you say to 'alf a pint," said Stack, "and we'll go steadily through your 'andicap? You've nothing to do for the next 'alf-hour." Journeyman's dingy face lit up.