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"In the evening Grigori Aleksandrovich armed himself and rode out of the fortress. How they settled the business I don't know, but at night they both returned, and the sentry saw that across Azamat's saddle a woman was lying, bound hand and foot and with her head wrapped in a veil." "And the horse?" I asked the staff-captain. "One minute! One minute!

Besides, Grigori Aleksandrovich used to give her a present of some kind every day. At first she didn't utter a word, but haughtily thrust away the gifts, which then fell to the lot of the dukhan-keeper's wife and aroused her eloquence. Ah, presents!

"He took her by the hand and tried to induce her to kiss him. She defended herself feebly, and only repeated: 'Please! Please! You mustn't, you mustn't! "He went on to insist; she began to tremble and weep. "'I am your captive, she said, 'your slave; of course, you can compel me. "And then, again tears. "Grigori Aleksandrovich struck his forehead with his fist and sprang into the other room.

"Yes, he served there, I think but I have not been with him long." "Well! Just so!... Just so!... Grigori Aleksandrovich?... that is his name, of course? Your master and I were friends," he added, giving the manservant a friendly clap on the shoulder with such force as to cause him to stagger. "Excuse me, sir, you are hindering me," said the latter, frowning. "What a fellow you are, my friend!

"What is the matter with you, my child, are you deaf?" cried the Countess. "Order the carriage to be got ready at once." "I will do so this moment," replied the young lady, hastening into the ante-room. A servant entered and gave the Countess some books from Prince Paul Aleksandrovich. "Tell him that I am much obliged to him," said the Countess. "Lizaveta! Lizaveta! Where are you running to?"

After about three weeks, I began to observe that Azamat was growing pale and wasted, just as people in novels do from love, sir. What wonder either!... "Well, you see, it was not until afterwards that I learned the whole trick Grigori Aleksandrovich exasperated Azamat to such an extent with his teasing that the boy was ready even to drown himself.

"'It is a bad thing to interfere in other people's quarrels, I said to Grigori Aleksandrovich, taking him by the arm. 'Wouldn't it be better for us to clear off without loss of time? "'Wait, though, and see how it will end! "'Oh, as to that, it will be sure enough to end badly; it is always so with these Asiatics. Once let them get drunk on buza, and there's certain to be bloodshed.

"About six versts from the fortress there lived a certain 'friendly' prince. His son, a brat of about fifteen, was accustomed to ride over to visit us. Not a day passed but he would come, now for one thing, now for another. And, indeed, Grigori Aleksandrovich and I spoiled him. What a dare-devil the boy was! Up to anything, picking up a cap at full gallop, or bringing things down with his gun!

The women, when they saw us coming, hid themselves, but those whose faces we were able to get a view of were far from being beauties. "'I had a much better opinion of the Circassian women, remarked Grigori Aleksandrovich. "'Wait a bit! I answered, with a smile; I had my own views on the subject. "A number of people had already gathered at the prince's hut.

"In about four days' time Azamat rode over to the fortress. As his usual custom was, he went to see Grigori Aleksandrovich, who always used to give him sweetmeats to eat. I was present. The conversation was on the subject of horses, and Pechorin began to sound the praises of Kazbich's Karagyoz. What a mettlesome horse it was, and how handsome! A perfect chamois!