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"When a man is the best in any way he's too big for Mr.," said the man readily. "I dare say," I remarked, "that this Jonathan Pym is very little better than the rest." "But I say he is," retorted the man fiercely. "Where inside of the four seas of Ireland will you get his aiquil? He bought the land, coming among us a stranger, and he did not raise the rents.

Here you will be alone," she proceeded, "without one being on whom you can depend, or to whom you can open your heart for many a time you eased that poor heart by telling me of your love for him, and by dwellin' upon his accomplishments and beauty and, indeed, it's no wonder you should, for where, oh! where is his aiquil to be found?

"God bless me!" said the strange woman, looking at her with a wondering yet serious expression of countenance; "I wanst knew a face like yours, an' a temper the aiquil of it at any rate, my good girl, you don't pay much respect to a stranger. Is your stepmother at home?" "She is not, but my father is; however, I don't think he'll see you now.

"That's because you've no relish for anything spiritual yourself, you nager you," replied his Reverence, "or you wouldn't see her temper in that light but, now that I think of it, where did you get that stuff we had at breakfast?" "Ay, that's the sacret; but I knew your Rev'rence would like it; did Parrah More aiquil it? No, nor one of his faction couldn't lay his finger on such a dhrop."

Where's the Maguire that would do a mane or shabby act? tha that's what I'd like to know. Isn't the word of a Maguire looked upon as aiquil to to an another man's oath; an' where's the man of them that was as ever known to break it? Eh Frank? No; stead ed steady's the word wid the Maguires, and honor bright."

"It is aiquil to hers any day," replied her father, softening into affection as he contemplated her; "and indeed, Sally, I think you're her match every way except except no matter, troth are you." "What are you going to do wid it?" she asked; "is it to the Grange it's goin'?" "It is an' I want you to help me in what I mentioned to you.

"See now, lave me alone and don't be cross crass-questionin' me tare-an-ouns, do you think me sich a bladdherang as for to go to shuperinscribe a thing I wasn't aiquil to?" "No; I was only goin' to ax you what coorse you wor goin' to steer?" "You'll find out soon enough when we get there and so I bid you agin lay me alone, just keep your toe in your pump.

A fig for yourself an' your saicret; maybe I have my saicret as well as you." "Well, then," replied Sarah, "if you have, do you keep yours as I'll keep mine, and then we'll be aiquil. Come, father, for I must go from home too. Indeed I think this is the last day I'll be with either of you for some time maybe ever." "What do you mane?" said the father.

'There never stood, says he, 'sich a couple in the chapel of of Aughindrumon, nor there never walked sich a couple up or down the street of Ballykeerin that's the chat, says he: an' whisper, Frank, ne neither did there. Whe where is Margaret's aiquil, I'd I'd like to know? an' as for me, I'll measure myself across the shouldhers aginst e'er a a man, woman, or child in in the parish.

"Young and ould, achushla machree, is fallin' about us in every direction; but may the Father of Mercy spare you to us, my darlin' child, for if anything was to happen you, where Oh, where could we look upon your aiquil, or find anything that could console us for your loss?"