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From Orundelico his guests get to know more of those matters about which his former associate, Eleparu, was so reticent, and as they now learn, with good reason. "York bad fella," he answers, on being questioned, "he rob me after Inglis officer leave us all at Woolya. Took 'way my coat, trousers, tools everything. Yes, York very bad man. He no Tekeneeka; him blubber-eating Ailikoleep."

Ez ye see, it's roun'-topped, whereas them o' the Tekineekers, an' other Feweegins, run up to a sharp p'int, besides bein' bigger an' roomier. Thar's another sign, too, of its bein' Ailikoleep. They kiver thar wigwams wi' seal-skins, 'stead o' grass, which the Tekineekas use. Ef this hed been thatched wi' grass, we'd see some o' the rubbish inside, an' the floor 'd be hollered out which it's not.

Orundelico, left alone with the boat's people, remains by them but for a brief moment, urging them to flight also. "Oensmen bad very bad," he keeps affirming. "They worse than Ailikoleep more cruel. Kill you all if you stay here. Come hide in the woods there you safe." "What's to be done?" interrogates the captain, as usual appealing to Seagriff.

The wigwam tells of their still being in the territory of the hostile tribe from which they so miraculously escaped. "Ailikoleep!" is the exclamation of Seagriff, as soon as he sets eyes on it; "we're in the country o' the rascally savagers yit!" "How do you know that?" inquires the skipper. "By the build o' thet wigwam, an' the bulk of it.

The old Ailikoleep wigwam, and the fact that the party that so lately visited the cove were of this tribe, make it evident that this is Ailikoleep fishing-ground, while the canoes now approaching seem to correspond in number with those of the party that assailed them.

"Wal, it ain't on a warlike bender, whether Ailikoleep or no, seein' as thar's weemen an' childer in 't. So I reck'n thar's nothin' to be skeart about jest yet, though you niver kin tell for sartin what the critters air up to till they show it themselves."