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When I was invited to spend the day with her the prospect gave me the greatest joy, but the aftertaste of the visit was generally bitter, for usually I committed some mortifying blunder in that family where I felt myself so misunderstood.

Its poisonous smell and soapy aftertaste should lead to suspicion of this ivory dome; but nobody seems to mind them. How, with such careless picking, are accidents avoided? In my village and for a long way around, the rule is to blanch the mushrooms, that is to say, to bring them to the boil in water with a little salt in it. A few rinsings in cold water conclude the treatment.

At the same time, the usher handed him the paper. He unfolded it, and as he chanced to be near the light, he could read it. "The President of the Court of Assizes presents his respects to M. Madeleine." He crushed the paper in his hand as though those words contained for him a strange and bitter aftertaste. He followed the usher.

He rode on after his vanishing pack, and Dick took up the trail again. But before long he began to feel sick and dizzy. The aftertaste of the liquor in his mouth nauseated him. The craving had been mental habit, not physical need, and his body fought the poison rebelliously. After a time the sickness passed, and he slept in the saddle.

This Barkilphedro had placed a dilemma before Gwynplaine, and had given him clear power to decide his fate by a word. Gwynplaine might have said, "No." He had said, "Yes." From that "Yes," uttered in a moment of dizziness, everything had sprung. Gwynplaine realized this now in the bitter aftertaste of that consent.

And where the nectar is, there will the sun-birds be gathered together a sweeter notion, truly, than carcases and eagles. And this nectar, clear as dew-drops, sweet with an aftertaste of some scented spice a fragile pungency was ever liqueur so purely compounded?

Where possible the salaries of professors were curtailed; in certain elections very weak candidates were preferred because they were outwardly orthodox. I do not wish to mention any names, but I myself have received in England, even if not in Oxford, a gentle aftertaste of this antiquated physic.

She will come over to Abbotsmead the day after to-morrow." Bessie could not help being reminded by her grandfather's face and voice of another old Beechhurst friend Mr. Phipps. Perhaps this luncheon at Hartwell had been pleasanter to her than to him, though even she had an aftertaste of disappointment in it, because Lady Latimer no longer dazzled her judgment.

People in passing mentioned his name to each other in muttered tones. He had laughed the whole act through that was the rumor going the round of the passages nevertheless, he was now very severe and spoke of taste and morals. Farther off the thin-lipped critic was brimming over with a benevolence which had an unpleasant aftertaste, as of milk turned sour.

I no doubt fluttered through some scores of other books, of prose and verse, sipping a little honey, but he alone left any important or lasting impression upon my mind. The rest was like walnuts and wine, an agreeable aftertaste. But notwithstanding all this reading I can lay no claim to scholarship of any kind; for save life I could never learn anything correctly.