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Mine was a crude question. Adio, good friend. 'I should like to drink of that fountain of fresh water, Annabel, said Herbert. 'There seems to me something wondrous fanciful in it. Some day we will row there. It shall be a calm like this. 'We want a fountain in our valley, said Lady Annabel. 'We do, said Herbert; 'and I think we must make one; we must inquire at Genoa.

He gazed into her face lovingly and serenely as a sun-god in morning redness, and pressed her hands. "Give them to me for ever!" said he earnestly. She inclined modestly her beautiful head upon his breast, but immediately raised it again, with its large, moist eyes, and said hurriedly, "Go now! Early to-morrow come, Albano! Adio! Adio!"

This will probably make the letter appear very picturesque and piquant. The idea is not so bad. Adio, clarissima Cara, cara Clarissima." Then follows the "lexicon" of twenty words, including his own signature.

Ah, said Gregory, if we have an iron bridge in Rome, we shall next have an iron road; and if we have an iron road, "adio," the papacy will take its departure, and that by steam.

If Kingsland sets his heart on this latest fancy, all the powers of earth and Hades will not move him. Do you recollect that little affair of Miss Kingsland and poor Douglas of the th? My lady put a stop to that, and he was shot, poor fellow, before Balaklava. But the son and heir is quite another story. Apropos, I must ask little Mildred to dance. Adio, Carteret!"

My companion is Señor Tesco, a merchant, who is journeying to the same place on business." "Good! you can go on. You will meet two troopers who are bringing on a prisoner. Do me the favor to tell them to make haste." "Certainly, señor coronel. Adios, señores." "Adio señores." And with that we rode on our respective ways. "Two troopers and prisoner," said Carmen, thoughtfully.

Already he had begun to send her picture post-cards, laboriously written over. "Tanti saluti carissima Signora Pertruni, a rividici, e suno il suo servo fidelisimo per sempre Martucci Gaspare. Adio! Adio! Ciao! Ciao!" What would she say? And what message would she send to him? His eyes sparkled with affectionate expectation.

This speech was received amid loud applause and cheers, and thanks for the roses and an invitation to take a pull at the barrel. Caper waved them Adio, and as our trio turned Rome-ward from the fair, the last things he saw as he turned his head to take a farewell look, were the roses that the Italian girl had placed next her heart.