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The ancient capital of Hadiyah, called by the citizens "Harar Gay," by the Somal "Adari," by the Gallas "Adaray" and by the Arabs and ourselves "Harar," lies, according to my dead reckoning, 220o S.W. of, and 175 statute miles from, Zayla 257o W. of, and 219 miles distant from, Berberah. This would place it in 9o 20' N. lat. and 42o 17' E. long.

The Adari well is one of the great sights of Bahrein, being a deep basin of water 22 yards wide by 40 long, beautifully clear, and full of prismatic colours. It is said to come up with such force from underground that a diver is driven back, and all around it are ruins of ancient date, proving that it was prized by former inhabitants as a bath.

The Arabs will tell you that these springs come straight from the Euphrates, by an underground channel through which the great river flows beneath the Persian Gulf, doubtless being the same legend alluded to by Pliny when he says, 'Flumen per quod Euphratem emergere putant. There are many of them the Garsari well, Um-i-Shaun, Abu Zeidan, and the Adari, which last supplies many miles of date-groves through a canal of ancient workmanship.

At the order of Abdullah, Allah sent, my tongue is loosed, The son of the Kuraysh by a thousand generations, He hath visited Audal, and Sahil and Adari ; A hundred of his ships float on the sea; His intellect," &c. &c. &c. When not engaged with Ali the Poet I amused myself by consoling Mad Said, who was deeply afflicted, his son having received an ugly stab in the shoulder.