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And gallantly those others backed us up, for at the sound of my whistle, young Acutt a fine, athletic young giant dashed out of the cabin and, without paying any attention to the writhing and struggling quartette in his way, dodged us and rushed forward to the galley to prevent cookie from interfering, while Fielder, Boyne, Pearson, and Taylor the other four young griffins rushed with equal celerity to the support of the doctor, Briggs, Carter, and myself.

Acutt, Boyne, Pearson, and Taylor, who very kindly volunteered to see to the safety of the ship during the few remaining hours of darkness, pointing out that it would be perfectly easy for them to rest during the day, while the crew of the ship were engaged in doing what was necessary to enable us to make an early start from the spot which had brought so much adventure into the lives of all, and had been so disastrous to some of our little community.

Morton, Fielder, Acutt, Boyne, Pearson, and Taylor, all of whom professed to be eager for a scrimmage, although, in the case of the last-mentioned five, I had a suspicion that much of their courage had its origin in a desire to appear to advantage before Miss Duncan. However, that brought us up to nineteen not counting the three under- stewards against twenty-seven mutineers.

Morton, Fielder, Acutt, Boyne, Pearson, and Taylor, and one of my own men named Sharland, whose wounds rendered him useless for arduous land service, although he might be made very useful at a pinch aboard the ship. This left, for the landing expedition, the general, Carter, myself, and seven Sharks, and the five men who had escaped in the longboat. Thus each force consisted of fifteen men.

And finally, there were Messrs. Fielder, Acutt, Boyne, Pearson, and Taylor five young men ranging from seventeen to twenty-one years of age, who were going out to take up appointments in the Company's service.