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"Well, you'll have to wait; and it won't do you no good, either, because there ain't no lake there, I tell you." I says: "Jim, don't you take your eye off of it, and I won't, either." "'Deed I won't; en bless you, honey, I couldn't ef I wanted to." We went a-tearing along toward it, piling the miles behind us like nothing, but never gaining an inch on it and all of a sudden it was gone again!

"Many's the time she's told me of it since how she sat there in the wet, and felt as if a wolf was a-tearing at her poor young insides." "Oh, have you seen her since then?" exclaimed Sara. "Do you know where she is?" "Yes, I do," answered the woman, smiling more good-naturedly than ever.

"But a big rain up there in the mountains where this stream comes from, would mean that in less than no time a flood of water would come a-tearing down this narrow gulch that would sweep our dam off its feet quicker than you could wink an eye and us along with it, if we didn't get out of here about as lively as the Lord would let us.

Why didn't I stay on it, the blathering lunatic by George, when I heard that racket and looked up that hill it was just like the whole world was a-ripping and a-tearing down that mountain side splinters, and cord-wood, thunder and lightning, hail and snow, odds and ends of hay stacks, and awful clouds of dust! trees going end over end in the air, rocks as big as a house jumping 'bout a thousand feet high and busting into ten million pieces, cattle turned inside out and a-coming head on with their tails hanging out between their teeth! and in the midst of all that wrack and destruction sot that cussed Morgan on his gate-post, a-wondering why I didn't stay and hold possession!

Aunt Sally she was just a-ripping and a-tearing around, and the children was huddled in one corner, and the old man he was huddled in the other and praying for help in time of need.

The Indian Gentleman smiled involuntarily, and Sara smiled a little too. "She looked so hungry," she said. "She was hungrier than I was." "She was starving," said the woman. "Many's the time she's told me of it since how she sat there in the wet, and felt as if a wolf was a-tearing at her poor young insides." "Oh, have you seen her since then?" exclaimed Sara. "Do you know where she is?"

Everybody dissuaded her, but the plucky old thing went. A week or two afterward she sent for me and I found her crying. She was sure the lad was ill, he spoke to nobody at his work. "Lord, sir!" she said, "it do remind me, when he sits glowering at nights, of those folks in the Bible, when the Devils inside 'em kep' a-tearing 'em. But he's like a new-born babe to me, sir never does me no 'arm.

Harry Walmers, Junior, was beginning to give in. She hadn't had her hair curled when she went to bed, and she didn't seem quite up to brushing it herself, and its getting in her eyes put her out. But nothing put out Master Harry. He sat behind his breakfast-cup, a-tearing away at the jelly, as if he had been his own father.

Nat he jumped in and slammed the door, and away they went a-ripping and a-tearing over the roughest road a body ever see, and the racket of it was something awful.

"There ain't no shame, in saying that; it's truth," composedly answered Peckaby. "Brother Jarrum said, didn't he, as the wives had a parlour a-piece. Why do they? 'Cause they be obleeged to be kep' apart, for fear o' damaging each other, a-tearing and biting and scratching, and a-pulling of eyes out. A nice figure you'd cut among 'em!