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"Oh God, Mother, you've never a-sent for another; and such trouble with what you've got!" "Yes, I have, I am sorry to say!" murmured Sue, her eyes glistening with suspended tears. The boy burst out weeping. "Oh you don't care, you don't care!" he cried in bitter reproach.

Just about three o'clock I'd a-sent for you, Katie, sure as God made little apples." "All right then," said Kate, "but if you don't tell them, they'll always say I took the lead." "Well, they got to say something," said Mrs. Bates. "Most of 'em would die if they had to keep their mouths shut awhile; but I'll tell them fast enough." Then she led the way downstairs.

"Land 'en in his grave?" they answered. "Why the old fool knows the whole programme! He've a-sent down to the Ship Inn to buy a bottle o' wine for the christenin' an' looks forward to enjoyin' hisself amazin'." The Elder went straight to Tregenza, and found this to be no more than the truth. "And here have I been lyin' awake thinkin' how to spare your feelin's!" he protested.

I'd told all of them that you were the only one in the lot who had any sense; and I'd said I WISHED you were here, and as I see it, I'd a-sent for you yesterday afternoon about three o'clock. I was coming to it fast. I didn't feel just like standing up for myself; but I'd took about all fault-finding it was in me to bear.

"There's risk in it, Joe; big risk," declared the President nervously. "But I'd only ask fifteen per cent." "You have worked out the scheme, then." "Well ah y'see, there's the risk, and ah " Suddenly Ryder leaned forward, his watery blue eyes glinting: "Boys, it's a jewel. It's just your kind. I'd a-sent for you, to try on this very scheme, if you hadn't shown up.

"And why," went on this categorical negro, "did de Lord send him down souf in de paper boat?" "Kase he couldn't hab cum in de paper boat ef de Lord hadn't a-sent him. O, bless de Lord! bless de Lord!" "And what duz he call his paper boat?" "Maria Theresa," I replied. "Maria Truss Her," cried the orator. "He calls her Maria Truss Her.