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I couldn't a-screamed if they'd let me! for my breath was gone and my senses were going along with it from the fear that was on me. "'Don't struggle; come along quietly, and you shall not be hurt, says the man as had spoke before. "Struggle! I couldn't a-struggled to a-saved my soul! I couldn't speak! I couldn't breathe! I liked to have a-dropped right offen Molly's back.

Paul, you ought to a-let me put a knife in atween his ribs when I had the chance. I might a-saved some good lives an' a power o' sufferin'." Paul did not reply, but he was not sorry that he had interfered. He could not see a bound youth killed. "I think we'd better be goin' now," said Tom Ross.

"A few dollars at the right time would a-saved hundreds on that roof," Billy commented. "Well, anyway, I won't be payin' for any improvements when I buy. An I'll tell you another thing. This ranch is full of water, and if Glen Ellen ever grows they'll have to come to see me for their water supply." Billy knew the ranch thoroughly, and took short-cuts through the woods by way of cattle paths.

If we'd known it two days ago we might a-saved the money, but we've burned up a thousand." "We'll have to start Lauzanne," said Allis, taking a brave pull at herself, and speaking with decision. "We might send him to the post, but that's all the good it'll do us, I'm feared." "I've seen him do a great gallop," contended Allis. "He did it for you, but he won't do it for nobody else.

So they brought en up here, 'long wi' the chap he'd a-saved, an' dressed en i' the spare room blankets, an' gave en clane sperrits to drink, an' lo! he came to; an' in a minnit, lo! agen he went off; an' " Ruby, by this time, was half-way down the stairs. Running to the kitchen door she flung it open, calling "Zeb! Zeb!"

Well, I've kept that to myself, because no good was to be got by peaching on him, and a secret's always worth money. Why, lad, I could have sent that man abroad again quicker than he come, if I had a-wanted. Why hadn't you trusted me at first? You'd a-saved five hundred pound. You'll have him back as soon as that's gone." "He'd better mind himself, then," said George vindictively.