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Sez he, "There hain't near so much done as folks think; the most of it is talk, and a-praisin' each other up." "Wall," sez I, "men won't never be killed for that in their political rivalin's, they won't be condemned for praisin' each other up." "No," sez he, "men know too much."

Well, he was a-praisin' of his horse, and runnin' on like statiee. He was begot, he said, by Roncesvalles, which was better than any horse that ever was seen, because he was once in a duke's stable in England. It was only a man that had blood like a lord, said he, that knew what blood in a horse was.

But his principal business seemed to be a-praisin' up Chicago, and a-puffin' up the World's Fair. Good land! Columbus didn't need none of his patronizin' and puffin' up, and Chicago didn't, not by his tell. Josiah wuz dretful impressed by him. We didn't lead off to the Fair ground the next day after our arrival.

I guess I'll slip it into 'em afore I've done as slick as a whistle. I guess I can see as far into a millstone as the best on 'em. "Well, father never entered the horse at all, but stood by and seed the races, and the winnin' horse was followed about by the matter of two or three thousand people, a-praisin' of him and admirin' him. They seemed as if they never had seed a horse afore.

Then they get as full of compliments as a dog is full of fleas enquirin' how the old lady is to home, and the little boy that made such a wonderful smart answer, they never can forget it till next time; a-praisin' a man's farm to the nines, and a-tellin' of him, how scandalous the road that leads to his location has been neglected, and how much he wants to find a real complete hand that can build a bridge over his brook, and axin' him if HE ever built one.

He's as stiddy as a rock." "Don't let him hear you say so, Simon, for its the worst thing in the world to be a-praisin' your own children, and a-tellin' them they're so smart, and good lookin', it makes them so ever-lastin' conseity." Mr.

"I ain't so sure 'bout Brother Vickers bein' so wrong," she said, slowly. "He 'lowed ter me ez I hed spent too much o' my life a-sorrowin', 'stiddier a-praisin' the Lord for his mercies." Her face twitched suddenly; she could not yet look upon her bereavements as mercies.

Tom Kew was a-praisin' up both of you to me the other day: says he, 'They don't put on no airs, but I tell ye they can pull a boat well, and swim like fish, says he. There now, if you'll give me the oars I'll put the dory just where I want her, and you can be getting your lines ready. I know a place here where it's always toler'ble fishing, and I guess we'll get something."

But the officers interfered, and after that they had to hold the saloon-keeper to keep him from the prisoner. And I sez, when Josiah was a-praisin' up the saloon-keeper's zeal, and how the officers had to hold him I sez, "It is a pity the officers didn't hold him in the first place, and then all the horrer and tragedy might have been saved." But my pardner wouldn't even notice a thing I said.