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Jenette is fixin' a new dress for me to wear to the weddin' with a bask," sez she with emphasis. And es she said it, they say she stooped down and gathered some sprigs of thoroughwert, a-mentionin' how much store she set by it for sickness. But if she did, Trueman's wife didn't sense it, she wuz dumbfoundered and sot back by the news. And she left my home and board the week before the weddin'.

Now just whereabouts is this Dawson-place you was a-mentionin'?" "On the big flat jest below the mouth of Klondike," ol' Jim answered. "But where has you-all ben this summer?" "Never you mind where we-all's ben," was Kink Mitchell's testy reply. "We-all's ben where the skeeters is that thick you've got to throw a stick into the air so as to see the sun and tell the time of day.

Jenette is fixin' a new dress for me to wear to the weddin' with a bask," sez she with emphasis. And es she said it, they say she stooped down and gathered some sprigs of thoroughwert, a-mentionin' how much store she set by it for sickness. But if she did, Trueman's wife didn't sense it, she wuz dumbfoundered and sot back by the news. And she left my home and board the week before the weddin'.

Hinchey, and say plainly what you have to say, I shall be obliged," retorted Bernard, exasperated by his shiftiness. Jasper was unmoved. "Easy t' see you ain't ben in pol'tics long. Wall, whut I've got t' say is this: I used t' work fer this party off 'n' on, this party whose name I ain't a-mentionin'. He wuz in pol'tics too. Likewise run a quarry an' s'm'other things t' num'rous t' mention.