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"Then she put on her high-heeled shoes, All made of Spanish leather-O, And she put on her bonnie, bonnie brown, And they rode off together-O. "Soon after that, her lord came home Inquiring for his lady-O, When some of the servants made this reply, She's a-gone with the Gypsy Davy-O.

I asked, turning on Billy, who stared and excusably at this evidence of our emotion. "No, he bain't," said Billy; "leastways, he was with her when I left him, at a place called Olmeta, or something of the sort. But by this time he've a-gone north again." "And why goes he north?" "Because that's where the Genoese have shut up the lady." "Meaning the Queen Emilia?" Billy nodded.

"If he had killed you, Billy," she said tensely, "I'd a-gone a-muck an' shot up th' whole of Lost Valley." And the boy knew in his heart she spoke the solemn truth. He slipped his hands down her arms and caught her fingers tightly. "Stained!" his heart whispered to itself in stifling exhilaration, "in spite of all her first killin' an' for me!"

"Yes, mynheer," replied the corporal, delighted at having something to do in the way of punishment. Smallbones made up a lachrymal face. "It's very hard," said he; "suppose the dog has fallen into the canal, is that my fault? If he's a-gone to the bottom of the canal, that's no reason why I'm to be dragged under the bottom of the cutter."

If I'd a-gone along with no bad luck, I wouldn't never a-found that tenderfoot camp, would I? It was keepin' the light at my back done that and William not likin' the look of it, either. And you gotta admit it was the light mostly that scared them young dudes off and left me the things.

And who could have even dreamed of her coming to-day!" they argued hotly and all at once. "A tellygram come soon after you'd a-gone," said Emily, with a sniff; "but there wasn't nobody here to open it. And how was we to know what was inside of it; we can't see through envelopes, though to hear some people talk you would think we ought to be able to."

"Something must give way soon," and something did give way. It was the string he was holding, and as it snapped he went over on his back in such a comical fashion that all, even to the girls, had to laugh. "Torn! Tom! What a sight!" burst out Nellie Laning. "You should have brought a stronger cord." "If I had I'd a-gone up in the clouds," answered Tom ruefully.

Her maw said she'd a-gone as shore as preachin' ef she'd a-had a dress fitten to take the trip on the train in. I reckon it wus every word the truth, fer to this day Marthy won't deny it; but it don't make a bit of difference to me now. Marthy would a-done as well by Ward as she did by me, I reckon.

"So she went back and I walked into the town alone, feeling terrible fluttered; but I hadn't a-gone very far before I meets with a man in a red coat and his hair a-powdered, a-walking along by hisself, for it was evening. I looked at mun and hardly knowed mun at first; but Jan it was, and beautiful he looked in his ridgmentals sure enough.

But, hearing the dry rattle of the earth, he took out his own handkerchief and put it to his nose. 'Yes, he's a-gone, he thought; 'another little baby. Old men an' maidens, young men an' little children; it's a-goin' on all the time. Where 'e is now there'll be no marryin', no, nor givin' out in marriage; till death do us part.