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It's the earl as put him into his church, I reckon, for he said what a fine thing it were for to see so much employment a-given to the poor, and he never said nought o' th' sort when your works were agait, squire.

At last the three Cherry Hill men came from the saloon, and swaggered with all their old valor toward the peacemakers. "Ah," said Patsy to them, "he was so hot talkin' about this duel business, but I would a-given 'im a great scrap, an' don't yeh forgit it." For Patsy was not as wise as seven owls, but his courage could throw a shadow as long as the steeple of a cathedral.

He thought: "Oh dear! He's a-given me an 'arf-a-crown. He does look well I like to see 'im look as well as that quite young! Oh dear!" The sun-that smoky, faring ball, which in its time had seen so many last editions of the Westminster Gazette was dropping down to pass the night in Shepherd's Bush.

"So we can," said Polly; "and you're a real good boy, Davie, to give it; that's a splendid present to help celebrate for mamsie!" "I'd a-given a boot-top," said Joel, looking grimly at the precious bit of leather which Polly was rapidly stripping into little bits, "if I'd a-hed it; I don't have anything!"

If it wasn't fer dad I a-given it to yer long ago." "All right then." Richard slipped the coin in his pocket. "I'd like to see your father once, and see how you live. Maybe I and my friend here, Mr. Massanet, can help you a bit. Can I come?" Pep hung his head. "We live in a garret, and you'd find it mighty dirty. Nobody with good clothes has got any right there."

He then resumed his work, to the great relief of the woman, who had caught glimpses of the interview from her window, wondering and surmising why the "young leddy from the big house" should have so much to say to a wood-sawyer. "If she had a-given him a tract upon leavin', it would a-seemed more nateral like," she explained to a crony the latter part of the day. Mrs.