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"O Gawd," he was saying, "we're a-going to sink, and I carn't swim! The blarsted tar's give way back here." "Is she leaking?" I cried. "She's a-filling up like a bath tub," he lamented.

"O Gawd," he was saying, "we're a-going to sink, and I carn't swim! The blarsted tar's give way back here." "Is she leaking?" I cried. "She's a-filling up like a bath tub," he lamented.

And up comes she to th' door, and her tire-woman a-holding of her robes, and two footmen going before, and in she comes like as though Riches and Death had a' th' same right to enter a poor man's house without knocking. And saith she to me, saith she, a-filling up o' the room with her finery, like a cuckoo ruffling out its feathers in another bird's nest, saith she,

"O Gawd," he was saying, "we're a-going to sink, and I carn't swim! The blarsted tar's give way back here." "Is she leaking?" I cried. "She's a-filling up like a bath tub," he lamented.

Aha, many's the time o' star-time they have winked me and my troubles asleep. Then there's wakings o' bird-time, wi' the sun up, dew a-sparkle and life calling within ye and without, and the birds O the birds, Martin a-filling the world wi' brave songs o' hope new-born like the day! Ah, many's the morn the birds ha' waked me and I as merry as any grig Lord love their beaks and wings!