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"It's no use your a-calling o' me, Sir! His lines are as few as can be he is most economical in this respect and loves to leave as much white paper as he can; but one feels in his best work that one line more or one line less would impair the perfection of the whole that of all the many directions, curves, and thicknesses they might have taken he has inevitably hit upon just the right one.

Bunnett. "'Why, Joseph! Joseph! Wotever are you a-thinking of? ses Bob, shaking 'is 'ead at the dog. 'I'm surprised at you! Don't you know Mr. Bunnett wot is so fond of animals? "'If you don't call 'im off, ses Mr. Bunnett, trembling all over, 'I'll have you locked up. "'I am a-calling 'im off, ses Bob, looking very puzzled. 'Didn't you 'ear me?

"Some dirty cad," said Mr. Hoopdriver, proceeding with his discourse, and suddenly growing extremely fierce, "made a remark as we went by this door." "Steady on!" said the old gentleman with many chins. "Steady on! Don't you go a-calling us names, please." "One minute!" said Mr. Hoopdriver. "It wasn't I began calling names." Don't run away with that impression.

Oh, hell! what is that that Bridge sings of Knibbs's: There ain't no sweet Penelope somewhere that's longing much for me, But I can smell the blundering sea, and hear the rigging hum; And I can hear the whispering lips that fly before the out-bound ships, And I can hear the breakers on the sand a-calling "Come!" Billy took off his hat and scratched his head.

Master was wonderful put about, and had all the ponds dragged; but it's my belief she was had away by them gipsies, for there was singing round the house for as much as an hour the night she went, and Parkes, he declare as he heard them a-calling in the woods all that afternoon.

'A-calling up people at this time of morning! the woman occasionally exclaimed down the stairs. 'But folks show no mercy upon their flesh and blood not one bit or mite. 'Now never be stomachy, my good soul, cried Sol from the fireplace, where he stood blowing the fire with his breath. 'Only tell me where the victuals bide, and I'll do all the cooking. We'll pay like princes especially my mate.

'Yes, bless you, sir, for a dear creetur, and do it at once, cried Affery, 'for she may be a-calling to me at this very present minute, or may be setting herself a fire and burning herself to death, or there's no knowing what may be happening to her, and me a-going out of my mind at thinking of it! 'Stay, my good madam! He restrained her impatience with a smooth white hand.

"Here's an end to all our troubles, Poll: we're as good as gentle-folks now; catch me a-calling at the Hall, to bother about Jennings and Sir John: a fig for bailiffs, and baronets, parsons, and prisons, and all," and again he roared Hooray! "I tell you what though, old 'ooman, we must just try the taste of our glorious golden luck, before we do any thing else.

"I saw three witches as the wind blew cold In a red light to the lee; Bold they were and overbold As they sailed over the sea; Calling for One Two Three; Calling for One Two Three; And I think I can hear It a ringing in my ear, A-calling for the One, Two, Three."

After his former experience of Lady Hester's hospitality it is surprising that the doctor should have been willing to accept this invitation, and still more surprising that his wife should have consented to accompany him to Syria. But the East was still 'a-calling, and the almost hypnotic influence which her ladyship exercised over her dependants seems to have lost none of its efficacy.