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Not long before, having offended the Sultan, he had fled into Egypt, and there became acquainted with the missionaries. Having made his peace with the Sultan and returned to Deir el-Kamr, his capital, the brethren visited him there, and were hospitably entertained, and furnished with a firmân for travelling in all parts of his dominions. 1 See Missionary Herald, 1824, pp. 65-71, 97-101. Mr.

1 See Missionary Herald for 1827, pp. 71-76, 97-101. He was at length deprived of his books, and severely threatened by the Patriarch. Asaad says, in his narrative: "A friend told me, that the Patriarch wondered how I should pretend that I held to the Christian religion, and still converse in such abusive terms against it.

Isaac Bird, but the reader is referred in the margin to more ample sources of information.2 1 Written also Asaad el-Shidiak, and Asaad esh-Shidiak. 2 See Missionary Herald for 1827, pp. 68, 71-76, 97-101, 129-136, 169-177, 268-271, 369-372; for 1828, pp. 16-19, 115-119, 165, 373, 375; for 1829, pp. 15, 47, 111, 115; and The Martyr of Lebanon, by Rev. Isaac Bird, Boston, 1864, pp. 208.