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He was courteous enough not to add: "And don't shoot any of the crew." The boat came in and passed out the lines of its harpoons, and Murell and I took the places of Cesário Vieira and the other man. We went up to the nose, and Murell took his place at the controls, and I got back of the 7-mm machine gun and made sure that there were plenty of extra belts of ammo.

And, because this wasn't likely to be the sort of war in which the rights of noncombatants like war correspondents would be taken very seriously, I had gotten out my Sterberg 7.7-mm. Dad saw me buckling it on, and seemed rather distressed. "Better leave that, Walt," he said. "You don't want to get into any shooting." Logical, I thought. If you aren't prepared for something, it just won't happen.

Before I could list any more sights unique to our planet, the 7-mm machine gun, down at the boat, began hammering; a short burst, and then another, and another and another. We all said, "Shooting!" and, "The machine gun!" as though we had to tell each other what it was. "Something's attacking them," Cesário guessed. "Oh, there isn't anything to attack them now," Abe said.

I noticed that it was a 10-mm Colt-Argentine Federation Service, commercial type. There aren't many of those on Fenris. A lot of 10-mm's, but mostly South African Sterbergs or Vickers-Bothas, or Mars-Consolidated Police Specials. Mine, which I wasn't carrying at the moment, was a Sterberg 7.7-mm Olympic Match.

Nip Spazoni got a pencil and a pad of paper and began drawing a plan. "This is Second Level Down," he said. "We have a car here, with a couple of men in it. It's watching this approach here. And we have a ship's boat, over here, with three men in it, and a 7-mm machine gun. And another car no, a jeep, here. Now, up on the First Level Down, we have two ships' boats, one here, and one here.

"Who got him?" I asked. Joe named a couple of men from one of the hunter-ships. "Here's what happened. There were six men on guard here; they had a jeep with a 7-mm machine gun. About an hour ago, a lorry pulled in, with two men in boat-clothes on it.

There was a jeep, with a 7-mm machine gun mounted on it, and half a dozen men in boat-clothes were playing cards at a table made out of empty ammunition boxes. I noticed they were all wearing pistols, and when a couple of them saw us, they got up and grabbed rifles. Tom let down and got out of the jeep, going over and talking with them for a few minutes.

We got plenty of A-A equipment up there four 7-mm machine guns, two 12-mm's, and one 20-mm auto-cannon. We could hold off the State Guard with that." "That isn't saying much, but they're not even that good. So it'll be the escalators. Think, now, sergeant. Fires, burglary, holdups " The sergeant's grin widened.

If you're in range of this makeshift set, the position we'd get would be practically the same as yours," Abe told him. "Look, there's a floodlight pointed straight up. Can you see that?" "In all this moonlight? We could be half a mile away and not see it." "We've been firing with a 7-mm," the navigator said. "I know; I heard it. On the radio. Have you got any rockets?

We moved two of the 7-mm machine guns down from the top, and we control the front street entrance with them and a couple of sono guns. The store's isolated from the outside by the city police, who are allowing re-enforcements to come through for the raiders, but we're managing to stop them at the doors." "Have you called Radical-Socialist headquarters for help?" "Yes, half a dozen times.