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Southworth had five thousand copies of my appeal published and distributed at the exposition in Columbus. If ten righteous men could save Sodom, all the brilliant women I met in Cleveland should have saved Ohio from masculine domination. The winter of 1888-89 I was to spend with my daughter in Omaha.

The picture of Lieutenants Sill and Lamson which appears on page 255 was enlarged from a small photograph taken on their arrival at Chattanooga, before divesting themselves of the rags worn throughout the long journey. Years afterward Major Sill gave one of these pictures to Wallace Bruce of Florida, at one time United States consul at Glasgow. In the winter of 1888-89 Mr.

It is believed that Luxor will prove to have been a locality of almost as great a beauty as Karnak. During the season of 1884-85 Professor Petrie started excavations at the modern Nehireh, which he learned was the site of the ancient Naucratis.* Here many Greek inscriptions were found. * The investigations on this site were continued in the season of 1888-89.

It is certain, however, that by far the greater part of the little volume was written in 1888-89, and I believe all that is most serious in it was the product of the later year. It possesses for many readers the inspiration of farewell words; for all of us it has their pathos. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, in Poets' Corner, on the 31st of December, 1889.

During the following season of 1888-89, Petrie resumed his excavations round the pyramid of Hawara, which was supposed to be the site of the famous Labyrinth. Work had been begun here in the season previous, and it was now to be crowned with great success.

The Renton Eleven are to-day in the proud position of winning the Glasgow Charity Cup four times in succession from 1886 down to season 1888-89, and even now the holders of that handsome trophy. In 1888 the Renton men held both cups, and what was of more account, won them by long odds against precisely the same opponents, viz., Cambuslang.

It took Stanley two years and eight months to cross Africa, when he solved the great mystery, the course of the Congo; and when he went to the relief of Emin Pasha, in 1887, he was almost exactly the same time on the road. When Trivier crossed from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, in 1888-89, in nine days less than a year, the event was held as a remarkably rapid performance.

So much for December, 1887. Its unexpected good behavior would seem to have made a profound impression upon me; no doubt I promised never to forget it; yet twelve months later traditionary notions had resumed their customary sway, and every pleasant morning took me by surprise. The winter of 1888-89 will long be famous in the ornithological annals of New England as the winter of killdeer plovers.

By an agreement of December 1896, the River Rovuma was recognised by Germany and Portugal as the boundary of their East African possessions. The lofty hopes once entertained by the Germans as to the productiveness of their part of East Africa have been but partially realised . Harsh treatment of the natives brought about a formidable revolt in 1888-89.

Chilton Cantelo, a village 5 m. The church, which has been rebuilt, has a good tower, with pinnacled buttresses and a row of quatrefoils under the belfry storey. Most of the windows have foliated rear arches. Chilton-upon-Polden a village 1 m. S.E. of Cossington Station, possessing a church rebuilt in 1888-89.