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When he gave up no estimate could be formed as to the probable distance he would have gone west on the tide. In his second and successful attempt, on August 24 of the same year, Webb started from Dover 3-1/4 hours before high water on a 15-foot 10-inch tide, which gave him one hour and three-quarters of the southwest stream.

Only three men from each side will be allowed within the 15-foot line, until the ball goes outside that line or a goal is scored. FOULS. It shall be foul to tackle an opponent if the ball is not within four feet of him or to hold him by any part of his costume.

The patrol is the offensive; in this the destroyers and other craft go out and look for the U-boats, the idea being to hound them out of the seas." Then there are netting operations in which our sailors have played some part. The netting most often used is made of stout galvanized wire with a 15-foot mesh. This is cut into lengths of 170 feet, with a depth of 45 feet.

A free trial for goal will be given by lining up three backs of the defending team within the 4-foot line and giving three forwards of the opposing team the ball on the 15-foot line, when they may try for a goal until a goal is scored or the ball goes outside the 15-foot line.