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O, tell us, tell us, where to go! "Dear mother died a week ago, And Robbie cries for her all day. We want to go where mother is, Is Heaven so very far away?" O, plaint of little sorrowing hearts! Earth's universal cry is this, That you' ve so learned to ask: Who knows, who knows, where Heaven is? Poor little seekers after Heaven! Poor little waifs on life's bleak shore!

The janizaries of Algiers became independent in 1669, and dominated the pirate commonwealth. 53 5 Huit jours durant: 'for a whole week. Durant, 'during, is emphatic when it follows its noun, cf. 61 7. 53 7 ces dames: cf. note to 16 13. Cf. Exodus III, 5. 53 11 s'en revenait: Cf. s'en aller 17 4, s'en retourner 2 8. 53 19 poterne: 'postern, a back door, and then, by extension, any small door.

My dear Bulwer, I am very sorry to find, from your letter of last week, that you observed, in your conversation with M. Guizot, that there is an impression in his mind that, upon certain occasions which you mention, I appear not to have felt sufficient consideration for his ministerial position; and you would much oblige me, if you should have an opportunity of doing so, by endeavouring to assure him that nothing has been farther from my intention then so to act.

Rabelais's judge Bridoie and Beaumarchais's Brid'oison. le prit en grippe: 'took a dislike to him'; grippe formerly meant 'whim, 'fancy. 88 16 huit grands jours: 'a whole week. Huit jours = 'a week, quinze jours = 'a fortnight. 88 20 biskris: 'Biskran porters. Biskra is a city in Algeria, at the edge of the Sahara.