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«Downing-street, april 26, 1831. »My dear prince, »I send herewith copies of the information which has reachen this government respecting the procedings of the French minister at Constantinople.

On public as well as on private grounds, he thanked the noble Duke for that part of his speech. There could be little difference of opinion as to the injustice and the want of generosity, of speaking in harsh and insulting terms respecting the ambassador of a friendly power, resident amongst us.

«I have every possible reason to agree with the late Secretary of State, in the propriety with which you have conducted yourself respecting the two Priests whom Monsr. Montgolfier attempted to introduce from France into the Seminary of St.-Sulpice at Montréal. Monsr. de Montgolfier as well as Monsr.

I have been particularly strenuous in my application, that in the choice of these gentlemen, great care may be taken that their characters are fair and that they may possess the advantages of good education and talents, and I trust, that I shall not be disappointed in my expectations respecting them. «Mr.

He felt it necessary, therefore, to speak as he had spoken respecting these aspersions of the character of an individual whose station ought to have shielded him from such an assault.

I abstain from enquiring into the causes which have led to the great change of sentiment in France respecting these treaties, which up to a recent period the French government had united with that of Her Majesty in pressing on the adoption of other nations.