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At the age of twenty he married Claude, daughter of Louis XII., and succeeded his father-in-law, January 1, 1515. His first act was to undertake the conquest of the French possessions in Italy which had been lost during the reign of Louis XII. He was successful and regained Milan with Lombardy.

[Note 891: Calendar of State paper foreing series, of the reign of Elizabeth, 1575-1577 (t. XI), n° 1467, p. 594. Voir l'échange de récriminations entre Paulet ambassadeur d'Angleterre, et Henri III et la Reine-Mère dans Lettres, t. V, p. 258, note 1 (20 juin 1577) et plus amplement t. V, p. 268, dépêche de Catherine

This unfortunate princess had passed her exiled youth in the convent of Chaillot; and Mme. de La Fayette, going thither on frequent visits to a kinswoman, was drawn into intimacy with the young girl, who must even then have given evidence of those charms which later made her brief reign at Court as brilliant as it was unhappy.

Charles V. selected this palace as his residence in 1347, and it served as the abode of the royal family till the reign of Louis XIV., who preferred Versailles. Since the days of the Empire it has been used as a museum.

Her ambitious schemes were repressed during the reign of her husband and of Francis II.; but, as she had charge of affairs during the minority of Charles IX., she made good use of this opportunity to destroy her enemies both political and religious. She designed the massacre of St. Bartholomew and was continually fomenting strife among her sons.

During the reign of Francis II. he was, together with his brother, the Duke of Guise, in virtual control of the government. LE CHEVALIER DE GUISE, François de Lorraine, was born in 1537; joined the order of Malta and became Grand Prior towards 1555, and about the same time was made General of the Galleys. He led an expedition from Malta to Rhodes, where he was wounded.