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Le bruit courut d'abord que le commissaire royal allait être le vicomte de Canterbury, ci-devant sir Charles Manners Sutton; mais bientôt l'on apprit qu'il refusait d'accepter cette mission difficile sous prétexte de maladie dans sa famille. Sa réputation avait fait concevoir des espérances. L'on parla ensuite de lord Amherst, celui-l

Edinburgh, Printed for John Bell and William Creech, 1785. The Works of HENRY MACKENZIE, with a Critical Dissertation on the Tales of the Author, by John Galt. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 1824. Zeluco. Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners. The second edition, 2 vols. Dublin, Printed for Messrs L. White, etc., 1789. C'est l'ouvrage du Dr MOORE, le correspondant de Burns.

Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, with a collection of Letters, by the Right Honorable Antony Earl of Shaftesbury. Basil. Printed for J. J. Tourneisien and J. L. Legrand, 1790. C. SHAIRP. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, by J. C. Shairp. Third Edition Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1876. Aspects of Poetry, being Lectures delivered at Oxford, by John Campbell Shairp.

The scene purports to be laid in the Court of Henry II.; but the manners and the personages, apart from their names are all those of the Court of Louis XIV. Certain critics have endeavored to trace the character of Mme. de La Fayette in that of the Princess of Clèves, of M. de La Rochefoucauld in that of M. de Nemours; but too strict an autobiographical interpretation destroys the charm of the story.