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This gave rise to the courtier-saying that Philip 'made slaves of his friends, and friends of his painters. Another is Zucchero, one of the painters who was requested by Queen Elizabeth to paint her picture without shade, the result being 'a woman with a Roman nose, a huge ruff and farthingale, and a bushel of pearls. There are also Van Somer, Janssens, who painted Lady Bowyer, named for her exquisite beauty, 'The star of the East, and Susanna Lister, the most beautiful woman at court, when presented in marriage to Sir Geoffrey Thornhurst by James I, in person, and Daniel Myttens, all foreigners, Flemish or Dutch, whom we must thus briefly dismiss.

It was a spacious and beautifully proportioned chamber, hung with amber satin, its ceiling by Zucchero, whose rich colours were relieved by the burnished gilding.

This morning I went with U to the Uffizi gallery, and again looked with more or less attention at almost every picture and statue. I saw a little picture of the golden age, by Zucchero, in which the charms of youths and virgins are depicted with a freedom that this iron age can hardly bear to look at.

The portrait of her by Zucchero, which now hangs in Hampton Court, depicts her when she must have been of more than middle age; and still the face is one of beauty, though it be a strange and almost artificial beauty one that draws, attracts, and, perhaps, lures you on against your will.

And of two that were still wanting, one was painted by Orazio Sammacchini, a Bolognese painter, and the other by a certain Lorenzo Costa of Mantua. The same Federigo Zucchero painted in that place the little loggia that looks out over the fish-pond.

She was Mrs Ashburnham of Branshaw Teleragh. She was the great Mrs Ashburnham of Branshaw and she lay all day upon her bed in her marvellous, light, airy bedroom with the chintzes and the Chippendale and the portraits of deceased Ashburnhams by Zoffany and Zucchero.

'By Jove! I cried, involuntarily, 'that's the very old lady I met in Russell Square! "'Nonsense! said James. 'Old-fashioned ladies are like babies they all look the same. That's a very old portrait. "'So I see, I answered. 'It is like a Zucchero. "'I don't know whose it is," he answered hurriedly, and I thought he looked a little queer. "'Is she one of the family? I asked.

For in 1627 Sandrart saw them in the collection of the latter, like his father an enthusiastic admirer of Holbein's work. After this, one or two vague notices suggest that they somehow drifted to Flanders, and thence to Paris. But there every trace of them is lost. Federigo Zucchero thought they yielded to no work of the kind, even among Italian masters; and copied them from pure admiration.

Having arrived in Rome, Francesco found that Cardinal Emulio had distributed the scenes of the Hall, giving two of them to Taddeo Zucchero of Sant' Agnolo, one to Livio da Forlì, another to Orazio da Bologna, yet another to Girolamo da Sermoneta, and the rest to others.

I cannot here omit mentioning, that a painting of the old school is in existence, having a remarkable resemblance to the scene described in the foregoing chapter, although it be nevertheless true that the similarity is in all respects casual, and that the author knew not of the existence of the painting till it was sold, amongst others, with the following description attached to it in a well-drawn-up catalogue: "FREDERIGO ZUCCHERO "Scene as represented in the Fortunes of Nigel, by Frederigo Zucchero, the King's painter.