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Almost illegible, they were written in some language which Ike knew nothing about but, at the bottom of the bag Pete laboriously wrote a name and address which Ike guessed was that of his wife, in the far-off Basse Pyrenean province of France. "I'll see it gits to her," said Ike, reassuringly. But Pete was not satisfied. "Zose or," he repeated, chokingly.

"But but I saw you just now coming out of your cabin," cried Ruth blankly. She had a queer sensation as of the floor giving way beneath her. "You saw Oh, now I understand!" cried the Russian, with a laugh. "Zose girls of mine! Zey they are like so many grandmothers. They will not go to bed until zey know I am safely tucked in myself. Alas, Mrs. Spofford, zose girls do not trust me, I fear.

On the coast is the little settlement of Porthscatho, which is undergoing the transformation so common in Cornwall, from fishing-village to watering-place. The artists came first, and then the tourists. The charm of the place, with its whitewashed houses and grey slate roofs, has not yet been destroyed; and Porthscatho is still a delightful haunt. Southward is Zose Point, or St.

"A-a-ah! is it that you have zee business with zee people in zee box? A-a-ah! you come spik to zose people? No? Not for that you come? You have no reason for come here, you say? Then, for God's sake, stay centre till you have a reason!" It was an awful lesson, but what delicious acting.

His black eyes snapped and his right hand made feeble motions toward the floor of the wagon where, on a pile of supplies and camp equipment, lay a burlap sack containing something lumpy and rough. "Zose sheep and zose r-rock!" he whispered, shifting to English mixed with accented French. "Pour vous et le bébé! Le p'tit bébé an' she's mère France or " "Never mind the sheep," said Ike.

Too well haf I learned how difficile it ees to get anyzing from zeese barbarians." "They are hard, madame," explained Janice, "because they deem us foes." "But women cannot be zare enemies, and yet ze women ze worst are. Ma foi! Weez ze army I kept through ze wilderness, ze bois, from Canada, and not one unkind or insult did I receef, till I came to where zere were zose of my own sex.

"Zey are ready," Pedro informed him. Pancho paused and considered a moment. "Zey come from ze souse, zose rangers?" "Si," was the quick answer. Lopez rose. "Felipe Aguilaw becomes more hefficient hevery day. I shall make general of 'im yet. Bueno, we go." "Red" had gone over and looked out of the window. Twilight had definitely come, and the sky was a great sheet of flame.

He say he Rajah Partab Singh's Komadan." "Tell him to send a message, since I am engaged with guests." "He say you must give up zose persons, sar. Old man and leetle boy, he come to look for zem." "Then tell him to come and take them. And you can promise him in my name a pretty tough job if he does." He turned from Moraes with noble disdain, and bestowed a reassuring smile upon his guests.

"Well, what about Yansey?" "He is here." "But no! Wiz zose ozzers?" "No, I think they took the dogs and deserted him. He's just been brought in by our boys; they are back with the moose-meat. Sore heart worse. He will die." "Who's looking after him?" "Brother Paul"; and he padded out of the room in his soft native shoes.

Ashe, struck by a sudden thought, "if by any chance our squadron is here." She asked the question the moment they entered the hotel; and the porter, who prided himself on understanding "zose Eenglesh," replied, "Mais oui, Madame, ze Americaine fleet it is here; zat is, not here, but at Villefranche, just a leetle four mile away, it is ze same zing exactly." "Katy, do you hear that?" cried Mrs.