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"Zitto, zitto! that has been, caro mio, is a great word with all Italy. Thou art as proud of the past as a Roman of the Trastevere." "And the Roman of the Trastevere is right. Is it nothing, Stefano Milano, to be descended from a great and victorious people?" "It is better, Gino Monaldi, to be one of a people which is great and victorious just now.

"And if she isn't a princess, she ought to be one," slyly. "Zitto! She come!" Pietro got up with alacrity, pocketing his pipe, careful that the bowl was right side up. She was as daintily fresh in her pink frock as a spring tulip; a frock, thought O'Mally, that would have passed successfully in any ball-room.

C. forbids me to do so except to a very small audience; and it is so ungracious always to say 'No; and besides, did you not yourself say, when we came away last time from M. Louvier's, that it was very dull, that you knew nobody, and that the ladies had such superb toilets that you felt mortified and " "Zitto! zitto! you talk idly, Piccola, very idly.

"Zitto!" said Francesca, laying a finger of her right hand on her lips. "Say no more; I am not free. I have been married these three years." For a few minutes utter silence reigned. When the Italian girl, alarmed at Rodolphe's stillness, went close to him, she found that he had fainted. "Povero!" she said to herself. "And I thought him cold."

"Zitto, thou growest loquacious, caro; nay, she wanted not for grace and affability, that I will say. In what a manner they played in the houses of resort at that time!" "I know it to my cost. Will you lend me your belief, dear friends? I arose from the table of La Belle Duchesse de , the loser of a thousand sequins, and to this hour it seemeth but a moment that I was occupied."

They went on till they got close to the tower in which Ada resided, when the guide once more came to a stop, and beckoned Fleetwood to approach. "Zitto, hush!" said the guide, in the softest Italian. "I have risked much to serve you, and her you love my life and even more than my life yours also, perhaps and, therefore be cautious.

Do not let them spoil you at the Villa Medici your head a little higher so." The first drawing in of the figure is not a thing to be taken lightly, and the silence was seldom broken at Varini's on Monday evenings. The two boys, however, found it hard to repress the natural loquacity of their extreme youth. "Al lavoro, Mario! What are you whispering about? Cesare, zitto!" Bembi stared at them.

"He is but sixty-five, at your service," said she; "but I can assure you that even that is something to be thankful for!" "I do not like to hear you jest about an affection so sacred as this, of which you yourself prescribed the conditions." "Zitto!" said she, stamping her foot, and looking whether her husband were listening.

Don't you know that I have nobody on my side at present but this respectable dowager on the first floor below? If she supposes that I am making all this racket over her head we shall be deadly enemies by to-morrow." "Zitto, zitto, piano, piano, Senza strepito e rumore," replied Marillac, putting his finger to his lips and lowering his voice. "What you say is a surprise to me.

Don't you know that I have nobody on my side at present but this respectable dowager on the first floor below? If she supposes that I am making all this racket over her head we shall be deadly enemies by to-morrow." "Zitto, zitto, piano, piano, Senza strepito e rumore," replied Marillac, putting his finger to his lips and lowering his voice. "What you say is a surprise to me.