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Remember the night of the Feast of Osiris the Feast of the Sun! Remember how Ziska-Charmazel awaited her lover, singing alone for joy, in blind faith and blinder love, his favorite song of the Lotus-Lily!

I also want to find the remains of Ziska-Charmazel, the lady impersonated by our charming friend the Princess last night, the dancer, who, it appears from a recently-discovered fresco, occupied most of her time in dancing before this same Araxes and making herself generally agreeable to him." "What an odd fancy!" exclaimed Denzil.

I myself noticed how very like me is the famous Ziska-Charmazel, and that is just why I dressed in her fashion for the fancy ball the other evening. It seemed to me the best thing to do, as I wanted to choose an ancient period, and then, you know, I bear half her name." Dr. Dean looked at her keenly, and a somewhat grim smile wrinkled his lips. "You could not have done better," he declared.

He betrayed and murdered the only woman that ever loved him, Ziska-Charmazel." "Murdered her!" exclaimed Dr. Dean. "How?"

What he had all his life denied was now declared a certainty; where he had been deaf and blind, he now heard and saw. Ziska! Ziska-Charmazel! In very truth he knew he remembered her; in very truth he knew he had loved her; in very truth he knew he had murdered her!

I admit it I confess it!" "You are speaking of the Princess Ziska?" asked Helen, tremblingly. "Of whom else should I speak?" he responded, dreamily. "There is no one like her; probably there never was anyone like her, except, perhaps, Ziska-Charmazel!" As the name passed his lips, he sprang hastily up and stood amazed, as though some sudden voice had called him.

"What is wrong with me?" he muttered. "Am I sickening for a fever before I have been forty-eight hours in Cairo? What fool's notion is this in my brain? Where have I seen her before? In Paris? St. Petersburg? London? Charmazel! ... Charmazel! ... What has the name to do with me? Ziska-Charmazel! It is like the name of a romance or a gypsy tune. Bah! I must be dreaming!

"Why should that melody steal away my strength and make me think of things with which I have surely no connection! What tricks my imagination plays me in this city of the Orient I might as well be hypnotized! What have I to do with dreams of war and triumph and rapine and murder, and what is the name of Ziska-Charmazel to me?"

She has the Egyptian type of form and countenance. Consider only the resemblance between her and the dancer she chose to represent the other night the Ziska-Charmazel of the antique sculpture on her walls!" "Ay, but if you grant one resemblance, you must also admit another," said the Doctor quickly. "The likeness between yourself and the old-world warrior, Araxes, is no less remarkable!"

But the Princess Ziska spoke of him as a great warrior in the days of Amenhotep, and she seems to be a great Egyptologist, and to know many things of which we are ignorant. Then you know last night she adopted the costume of a dancer of that period, named Ziska-Charmazel. Well, now it appears that in one part of this fresco the scene depicted is this very Ziska- Charmazel dancing before Araxes."