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Into the garden she ushered the pedlar accordingly, and pointing to an old, ruinous garden house, said, "Yonder be's her, mon yonder be's her. Zhe will buy changes an zhe loikes stuffs." "She has left me to come off as I may," thought Wayland, as he heard the hag shut the garden-door behind him.

Still standing in the water, which he seemed reluctant to leave, he shrugged his shoulders and replied: "We muz azk Chicarona. Zhe eez my vife." "And master?" asked the quack, smiling sardonically. The gypsy did not answer, but, stepping from the brook and looking backward, reluctantly led the way to the tent. "Chicarona! Chicarona!" he cried as they approached it.

He marriet her pecause zhe was fair to look upon and very rish; her fader made her marry him pecause he was a lort; he zoon tied and left her a witow, ant zhe never marriet again; zhe left te country and vas away many years ant I have nod zeen her zince. My fair kinswoman! Zhe hat a great wrong done her!" said the Jew, dropping his chin upon his chest and falling into sad and penitential reverie.

Zhe eez two hunner year ol'. Her teeth are fell oud. Zhe haz ze zpavins. Zhe haz ze ringa bonze. But, señor," growing suddenly respectful, and spreading out his hands in open and persuasive gestures, "ere eez a horze zat eez a horze. Ee knowz more zan a man! Ee gan work een ze arnez, ee gan work een ze zaddle; ee gan drot; ee can gallop; ee gan bead ze winz!"

I ask ash frien'. Look 't me carefully and shay, on y'r honor, Loffski, where d'you shin' I'm mos' largely 'tossicated?" "In der legs," replied Mr. Bludoffski, promptly. "Shank you. 'S very kind. 'T may not be alt'gesser dignified to be 'tossicated in zhe legs, but 's far besser'n if 'twas in zhe eyes. 'Spise a man 'at looks drunk in's eyes. Pos'ively 'sgusting!"

He remembered that he had not given a bad exhibition, and that noble prophecies had been made of his future by gentlemen in their cups, and that he himself, when just far enough gone to be courageous without being silly, had made a snappy little speech of thanks which had been received with great applause, and that later he had sung his campaign song and others, and that finally, in company with an ex-judge, whose hat was also decorated with a wreath of smilax, he had rolled amiably about the town in a hack, going from one place where drinks could be gotten to another, and singing with great fervor and patriotism: Zhohn Brownzh bozhy liezh a mole-ring in zhe grave.

Votr dress ay bokoo dress. Donney mwa oon kiss? Zhe voo zame! Early in the war the Kaiser was haled before a Virginia court.

"I weel promees in the contract to geeve you one ten tousant tollars deux mille two tousant avery yare for fife yare. Très bien. My daughtare is educate; she stoody fife, seex yare in te convent at Montreal. Zhe play on piano evare so many tune. Bien. You come Monday. We weel zee. Adieu. I mean good-by, Mistare Sonee." "Adoo, musheer," said Dave, taking his hat and leaving.

They had now reached Twenty-third Street, and following his companion's lead, O'Royster crossed unsteadily into Madison Square and through one of the park walks. Presently he halted. "By zhe way, Woffski," he said, "do you know where we're goin'?" "Yah." "Well, zat's what I call lucky. I'm free t' confesh I haven't gotter shingle idea. But 'f you know, 's all right.

"What a rumpus!" growled Dally, taking himself off to the kitchen. Scholtz gave no immediate expression to his feelings, but, lifting his better half from the grass, he tucked her under one of his great arms, and, with the muttered commentary, "zhe shrieckz like von mad zow," carried her off to his own apartment, where he deluged her with cold water and abuse till she recovered.