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How could I ever let Azalea touch her? But, Elise, Zaly loves her as much as we do." "That may be, and of course, she wouldn't harm the child wilfully. But, as I said, accidents will happen, and if it's Bill's fault, why, of course, it's his own child, and that's different. But Azalea has no business to take chances with other people's children."

"I'm quite ready to give up all connection with the Bixby people and I'll promise never to go near them again, even if they try to get me to." "You bet you won't!" exclaimed Farnsworth. "I'm glad you've given it up of your own accord, Zaly, for if you hadn't I'd have to forbid it, anyway! I can't allow you to do such things." "And I don't want to.

"Yes, at times. Oh, he calls me 'most any old thing! He makes up new names for both of us every day! Come along, Zaly, you're dropping from sheer weariness. Time for little girls like you to go beddy!" Affectionately Patty put her arm round the girl, and led her away upstairs. "Sleep well," she said, as she left Azalea in her own room.

I know that! I didn't mean to, but I forgot. I guess I know how to behave, if I don't always do it!" "I'm glad you do, Zaly, and, listen, dear, you're my relative, you know, and I'm going to ask you to try to use your knowledge, for Patty is too polite to mention such subjects!" "Oh, I don't mind! Pick on me all you like, either of you.

Doctor Marsh was not in, but his office boy said he had not had any call from Azalea by telephone or in person. Patty was quite calm now. Her efficient self had risen to the emergency and she was quickly considering what was best to do. "I'm going to telephone Bill," she said, as if thinking aloud, "but first, I'm going to call up the Gales, and see if Zaly could have taken Fleurette over there.

"I suppose you mean about that sampler business," put in Elise, with an unkind look on her face. "I think you ought to confess that, while you're confessing." Farnsworth gave a reproving glance at Elise, but he said, "Out with it, Zaly, let's clean off the slate while we're about it. What's the sampler business that sticks in Elise's throat?"

"I tore it up." "Why?" "I always do, I never save envelopes. It was just a plain one." "Address typewritten?" "Yes." "All right, Zaly. Here's your letter," and he handed it back to her. The Farnsworths made no difference in their treatment of Azalea, after her escapade.

"Don't put it that way I wasn't exactly drawn in." "Well, you're in, all right. Why, Azalea, I saw you in a picture in New York, night before last." "You did?" "Yes; in 'Star of the West. Don't try to fib out of it " "What!" "Now you needn't get mad! I know you're not entirely above a little fibbing, now and then!" "I think I'll go in the house, I don't like you." "Oh, Zaly, behave yourself.

"It's half-past four!" "I know it. That's not late. Come on, let's go home." Azalea was smiling and in an excited mood, but she looked tired, almost exhausted, as well. She was flushed, and her hair was rumpled, and her breath came quickly, as if she had been through some violent exercise. "What have you been up to, Zaly?" Elise asked, curiously. "You look all done up!"

"No," Patty said, discouraged, "I didn't quite say that, here's Janet now. Let her do your hair for you!" "Do my hair! Mercy gracious! I should say not! I've never had that done for me." "But I'm sure you'll be pleased with the way she'd do it. Janet is an artist at hair-dressing." "Nopy! nix on the barber act for little Zaly! I'll comb my own wig, thank you!"